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Gambling Books |

A Day at A Time - Gamblers Anonymous

Hardcover, 384 pages. Author: Anonymous
Item: 7655
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1994
An essential recovery tool for compulsive
gamblers, these daily reflections and prayers offer us hope, support,
and guidance throughout the year. Also addresses the issues and
fears often faced by those of us in recovery.

The Gambling Addiction Patient Workbook
Paperback: 120 pages
Publisher: SAGE Publications; Workbook edition (May 7, 2003)
"Dr. Perkinson does and excellent
job of bringing together and individualizing 12 step treatment for
addicts and gamblers including identifying character defects and
relapse prevention. Comments from patients include, 'it has opened
my eyes to my gambling and behaviors associated with it' and 'I
feel it is easy to work and very self explanatory.'"

Don't Leave It to Chance:
A Guide for Families of Problem Gamblers
by Edward Federman, Charles Drebing, Edward J. Federman
Paperback: 200 pages Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
(July 1, 2000)
Gambling can cause disruptions in
every area of life, and the devastating effects don't stop with
the gambler. Like any addiction, gambling takes its toll on the
entire family, causing loss of trust, financial hardship, and difficult
dynamics. Based on the authors' extensive research and filled with
hands-on questionnaires, exercises, and charts, this book provides
relatives of problem gamblers with a comprehensive program of cognitive-behavioral
strategies to help them overcome the negative hold the habit has
on their lives. It helps readers identify the problem, understand
its origins, and assess its impact on the gambler and his or her
family. Then it lays out easy-to-follow "action steps" to manage
the problem, repair relations, recover financially, and get professional
help if necessary.

Born to Lose

Memoirs of a Compulsive Gambler
Softcover, 304 pp. Author: Bill
Lee Item: 2486
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 2005
"My history of gambling really began
before I was born." So opens Born to Lose, Bill Lee's self-told
story of gambling addiction, set in San Francisco's Chinatown and
steeped in a culture where it is not unheard of for gamblers (Lee's
grandfather included) to lose their children to a bet. From wagering
away his beloved baseball card collection as a youngster to forfeiting
everything he owned at black jack tables in Las Vegas, Lee describes
what gambling addiction feels like from the inside and how recovery
is possible through the Twelve Step program.

A Way to Quit Gambling: (For Problem
by John Chin Paperback: 109 pages
Publisher: Writer's Digest Books (April 1, 2000)
Although gambling is enjoyable entertainment
and can provide unparalleled excitement, it can financially drain
and ruin some people. This manual is a roadmap and workbook for
the problem gambler or potential problem gambler, who can not control
the amount of money he/she loses, to seriously give up on gambling.
This work is based on over 25 years
of experience in gambling by the author, who shares his insight
with the reader. While attending college, the author began gambling
at 18 in local New York City OTB parlors and New York horse racing
tracks. Then he got caught up in casino gambling, when it debuted
in Atlantic City. He also dabbled in most other forms of gambling,
in lotto, poker, and sports betting. As much as the author loves
to win, he hates to lose in gambling. So, after 25 years and losing
a small fortune, he decided to give up on his quest of becoming
a consistent winner. This book describes the way he finally coped
with and quit gambling. There is also ample space for the reader
to write down his/her own thoughts on how to quit gambling to personalize
the manual for his/herself.
Double Down: Reflections on Gambling
and Loss
by Frederick Barthelme, Steven Barthelme
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Harvest/HBJ Book; Reprint edition (May
1, 2001)
At first, this dark memoir seems
like a simple confessional about how two fiftyish writer-academics
lost a quarter-million-dollar inheritance in the late-night world
of Mississippi riverboat casinos. (In 1997, the brothers were charged
with cheating a Mississippi casino and still await trial.) As book-smart
gamblers, the Barthelmes indulge in overtipping and betting ludicrous
amounts; they are smarter-than-thou, which is their downfall. Perhaps
some readers will see the deaths of the Barthelmes' parents as sufficient
cause for their fall from grace; faced with real pain, the brothers
prove inept at problem solving. But the gambling, compulsiveness,
and midlife boredom predate their parents' deaths; and the gambling
snowballed because of their new-found money, which the brothers
burn out of resentment of their Napoleonic father. Beautifully evoking
the gamblers' addiction, their mesmerizing account is best read
as a novel Camus might have imagined, with the writer/protagonists
as their own lost characters. A work of high art; enthusiastically
recommended. -
Marty Soven, Woodside, NY Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information,

Understanding and Treating the Pathological
by Robert Ladouceur, Caroline Sylvain, Claude Boutin,
Celine Doucet Paperback: 183 pages Publisher:
John Wiley & Sons; 1st edition (May 15, 2002)
Understanding and Treating the
Pathological Gambler provides a combination
of theory and practical solutions for the clinician working with
pathological gamblers. The first half of this title discusses the
history, theories and evaluation of gamblers and gambling while
the second provides clinicians with interventions, based on scientific
research, for the cessation of abusive gambling, including strategies
for long-term abstinence and relapse prevention.

Losing Your Shirt - Second Edition
: Recovery for Compulsive Gamblers and Their Families
by Mary Heineman Paperback: 280 pages
Publisher: Hazelden; 2nd edition (September 6,
This book is an excellent source
for understanding not only the gambler and his/her addiction, but
the family members touched by the addiction. It is so well-written,
that all members involved in the gambler's life (including the gambler)
can relate to its message. For the spouse of a gambler, it can help
you to get to the most important stage of grief, which is acceptance.
Understanding breeds acceptance.

This Must Be Hell: A Look at Pathological
by Hale Humphrey Paperback: 116 pages
Publisher: Writers Club Press (November 1, 2000)
Are you at risk for developing a
gambling problem? Do you know someone who is? This book provides
an inside look at the hell of the pathological gambler through actual
case studies, and provides guidance in how to identify the problem
and obtain necessary help.

Gambling and Gaming Addictions in
(Parent, Adolescent and Child Training Skills)
by Mark Griffiths Paperback: 56 pages
Publisher: Bps Blackwell (June 1, 2002)
The guide gives the practitioner
an understanding of why children and adolescents may come to play
fruit machines/video games to excess and includes knowledge about
the risk factors involved in this. It includes practical and common-sense
interventions that may be beneficial for such children and adolescents
and also includes practical advice to give to parents facing their
child's behavioural addiction.

Best Possible Odds: Contemporary
Treatment Strategies for Gambling Disorders
by William G. McCown, Linda L. Chamberlain
Hardcover: 260 pages
Publisher: Wiley (March 3, 2000)
An estimated 3-50% of all individuals
who gamble will become compulsive gamblers. This "invisible addiction"
can be financially and emotionally devastating to both the gambler
and his/her family. This timely clinical manual explains why gambling
is on the rise and the factors which distinguish recreational and
compulsive gamblers. Mental health professionals will learn how
to assess and treat compulsive gamblers using a variety of interventions:
behavior therapy, inpatient treatment, family therapy, and 12-step

Compulsive Gambling - A Medical Dictionary,
Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete
medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating
to compulsive gambling. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic
citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update
their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed
for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations,
medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with
research dedicated to compulsive gambling. If your time is valuable,
this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the
Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the
book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally,
you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.

by Jim Nelson Paperback: 265 pages
Publisher: Cheshire Moon Publications, L.L.C. (November
1, 1998)
COMPULSIVE is the fictional account
of one man's gradual descent into the world of compulsive gambling.
It takes him through the incredible highs and the crushing lows
of the "gaming" addict. Many readers will recognize their own feelings,
their own addictive tendencies as they follow Don Curtis into the
exciting, neon-splashed world of the gambler.

Overcoming Compulsive Gambling
by Alex Blaszczynski Paperback
Publisher: Robinson Pub (September 1, 1998)
Overcoming Compulsive Gambling has
been developed as a self-help manual by Professor Alex Blaszczynski.
He pioneered the cognitive behavioral techniques described in this
guide, and they are now taught in countries all over the world.
For those to whom gambling is not
just a 'flutter' but a compulsion adversely affecting every aspect
of life, for their families and friends, and for those working in
the medical profession, this guide will prove indispensable.

You Bet Your Life: The Burdens of
by Neil David Isaacs Hardcover: 274 pages
Publisher: University Press of Kentucky (June
1, 2001)
The United States is a gambling nation.
Casinos, parimutuels, and convenience store lotto kiosks are easy
to find, and back door action is almost as easy. With over $600
billion in just the legal bets, it is clear that gambling is the
new national pastime. Yet most of the conventional wisdom about
gambling is distorted, misleading, or even dangerous. Despite gambling’s
prevalence, there is little popular understanding about how it works,
what it involves, or the great risks it poses to individuals and
In You Bet Your Life, Neil Isaacs,
himself a lifelong gambler, a licensed therapist specializing in
the treatment of pathological gamblers, and a writer and scholar
of gambling literature, methodically debunks several prominent gambling
myths. The law of averages is the first to fall, followed by the
belief that gambling is inherently sinful, immoral, or criminal.
He also tackles the misconception that gamblers are always motivated
by the money.
Dozens of examples, from fiction
and film as well as case histories, show the different ways in which
gambling can be abused and misunderstood. Isaacs avoids oversimplifying
gambling addictions, their causes, and treatment as he shows how
habitual gambling can lead to compulsive gambling. He argues that
pathological gambling as not just a simple impulse control disorder,
making th is an invaluable book for anyone who knows a gambler.

When the Chips Are Down:
Problem Gambling in America
by Rachel A. Volberg, Richard C. Leone
Paperback: 139 pages
Publisher: Century Foundation Press (June
1, 2001)
Rachel Volberg's "When the Chips
are Down" is the best and most cutting-edge look at problem and
compulsive gambling on the market. The book explains in a very clear
and insightful style the latest scientific research into the causes
of problem and pathological gambling. It also details what is known
about the prevalence of both pathological and problem gambling,
including research done by Volberg, a pioneer in the field. But,
perhaps even more important, "When the Chips are Down" includes
a very thorough and thought-provoking analysis of public policy
that resulted in the spread of legal gambling to 47 of the 50 states.
It is an enjoyable read. And it is a valuable resource to anyone
involved in the field of addiction or associated with the business
of legal gambling in America. I've been writing about gambling for
some 15 years, and few published works on the subject have proven
to be a more valuable resource than "When the Chips are Down." Dave
Palermo, editor, writer and columnist for Gem Communications, publishers
of International Gaming & Wagering Business, Casino Executive Reports
and Casino Journal magazines.

Futures at Stake: Youth, Gambling,
and Society

by Thomas N. Cummings (Foreword), Howard J. Shaffer
(Editor), Matthew N. Hall (Editor), Joni Vander Bilt (Editor), Elizabeth
George (Editor) Hardcover: 344 pages Publisher: University
of Nevada Press (July 1, 2003)
The widespread legalization of gambling
across the U.S. has produced concerns for serious social, economic,
and health problems. For the first time in this country, an entire
generation of young people has reached adulthood within a context
of approval and endorsement of gambling as a source of entertainment
and recreation. Compared with their adult counterparts, these young
people have evidenced a higher level of gambling related problems.
In Futures at Stake, specialists in psychology, medicine, law, public
health, economics, casino management, psychiatry, and criminal justice
examine this problem from the perspective of their various disciplines,
producing an intelligent, thought-provoking, and valuable survey
of what is fast becoming a leading social-health problem across
the nation.

Pathological Gambling: A Clinical
Guide to Treatment
by Jon E. J. D., M. D. Grant (Editor), Marc N. M.
D., Ph. D. Potenza (Editor), Jon E. Grant (Editor) Paperback:
270 pages
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association (September
1, 2004)
Pathological gambling is more prevalent
than bipolar disorder and schizophrenia but many clinicians neither
recognize not diagnose it. In this text for professionals, the editors
and contributors describe pathological gambling, including issues
of public health, clinical characteristics across age and gender,
etiology, and prevention and treatment, including screening and
assessment instruments, cognitive and behavior therapy and pharmacology.
Appendices include the DSM-IV- TR criteria, screening instruments,
and the Yale-Brown Obsessive- Compulsive scale modified for pathological
gambling. Chapters include their own references. Copyright © 1996
Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Counseling Problem Gamblers and Their
Families: A Self-Regulation Manual for Individual and Family Therapy
by Joseph W. Ciarrocchi Paperback: 340
Publisher: Academic Press; 1st edition (September, 2001)
This plain-language resource brings
together clinical wisdom and research findings for understanding
and treating pathological gambling. It provides assessment instruments
for identifying gambling problems, along with discussion of how
instruments relate to DSM diagnosis, plus step-by-step treatment
plans. Discussion integrates material on cultural concerns, with
clinical applications for women, minorities, and those with religious
commitment. There is also material on coping strategies for families.
The author is affiliated with the Graduate Programs in Pastoral
Counseling at Loyola College. Copyright © 1996 Book News, Inc.,
Portland, OR

Out of Control:
Gambling and Other Impulse-Control Disorders
by Linda N. Bayer Reading level: Young
Adult Library Binding: 95 pages Publisher: Chelsea House
Publications (August 1, 2000)
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Gambling Pamphlets |

Understanding Compulsive Gambling
Recovery From Compulsive Gambling - Revised
Pamphlet, 32 pages Author: Henry
R. Lesieur, Ph.D. Item: 5497
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1986
A concise overview of addictive gambling.
This pamphlet clearly describes both the emotional progression and
the effects of compulsive gambling on our lives, finances, and families.
Personal stories demonstrate that change is possible through programs
such as Gamblers Anonymous.

Early Signs Of Compulsive Gambling

Leaflet, single copy Author: William
D. Gowan Item: 5587
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published
Year: 1986
A straightforward leaflet that explains
the signs of compulsive gambling and where compulsive gamblers and
concerned others can find help.
Gambling Away the Golden Years TM
For a small percentage of older adults, their plans
for a golden retirement are destroyed by an addiction to gambling.
This 18 page book integrates real story vignettes with research-based,
practical information about the signs and symptoms of a gambling
problem in an older adult and how to access resources.
Wanna Bet?
Cartoon characters provide memorable lessons for
youth, parents and other kid-loving adults about the risk of addiction
to gambling. This 24-page book includes stories about real kids
with gambling problems, information about why kids gamble, signs
and symptoms of a youth gambling addiction, a crossword puzzle for
kids and additional resources.