General 12 Step Books |
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book (Hardcover)

It's more than a book. It's a way of life. Alcoholics
Anonymous-the Big Book-has served as a lifeline to millions worldwide.
First published in 1939, Alcoholics Anonymous sets forth cornerstone
concepts of recovery from alcoholism and tells the stories of men
and women who have overcome the disease. With publication of the
second edition in 1955, the third edition in 1976, and now the fourth
edition in 2001, the essential recovery text has remained unchanged
while personal stories have been added to reflect the growing and
diverse fellowship. The long-awaited fourth edition features 24
new personal stories of recovery.
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (Softcover)

Paperback, 192 pages Item: 2081
Publisher: Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
Published Year: 1989
Originally published in 1952, this classic book is used by A.A.
members and groups around the world. It lays out the principles
by which A.A. members recover and by which the fellowship
functions. The basic text clarifies the Steps which constitute
the A.A. way of life and the Traditions, by which A.A. maintains
its unity. |
Twelve Step Christianity

The Christian Roots & Application of the Twelve
Softcover, 200 pages Author: Saul Selby
Item: 1021
Publisher: Hazelden Pittman Archives Press Published
Year: 2000 Genuine
Christianity is more than a set of beliefs--it is a relationship
with Jesus Christ that involves hearing His voice and following
His directions. But how does one do this? What tools or
spiritual disciplines enable Christians to live out their lives
in dynamic submission to God's will? Perhaps no set of
principles is better suited to help Christians hear God's voice
and submit to His will than the Twelve Steps.
As a Christian who practices the Steps, Saul Selby knows them to
be an invaluable tool for living out the Christian faith. Selby
brings his knowledge to bear in Twelve Step Christianity, which
teaches Christians in recovery to connect their faith with their
program--and shows any Christian a clear path to a more intimate
relationship with Christ. Laid out in a workbook format, with
room for readers to write answers and track their progress,
Twelve Step Christianity explores the roots of Twelve Step
spirituality, Examines the connections and distinctions between
Christianity and Twelve Step programs and offers readers a
deeper and broader understanding of the myriad powerful reasons
for applying the Twelve Steps to their lives. |
A Program For You

A Guide To the Big Book's Design for Living Softcover
Edition, 183 pages
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1991
A Program for You
interprets the original A.A. program as described in the book
Alcoholics Anonymous and serves as the basis for studying
the Big Book. This guide provides us with a thorough
understanding of Twelve Step principles and includes exercises
on how we can apply them to our lives. |
A Program for You Audio Album

A Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living
Four audiocassettes in a vinyl case Publisher: Hazelden
Publishing and Educational Services Published Year:
1990 The authors of A
Program for You guide us in a personal exploration of the Big
Book. If reading is difficult, these tapes make personal
exploration of the Twelve Step program easier and the
information more memorable. |
Steps 1-3 - A Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living With Your Higher Power

A Workbook for Steps 1-3 Author:
James Hubal Item: 5421
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1991 These
three workbooks feature information to reinforce important
points in A Program for You and include exercises for
self-examination and disclosure. Clear discussions of each Step
and probing questions offer us a guide to personal insight and
reflection. 8-1/2" x 11", 35-48pp. each. |
Steps 4-7 - A Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living With Yourself

A Workbook for Steps 4-7 Author:
Joanne Hubal Item: 5422
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1991
Designed to work with the 3rd or 4th Edition of the Big Book.
These three workbooks feature information to reinforce important
points in A Program for You and include exercises for
self-examination and disclosure. Clear discussions of each Step
and probing questions offer us a guide to personal insight and
reflection. 8-1/2" x 11". |
Steps 8-12 - A Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living with Others

A Workbook for Steps 8-12
Author: Joanne Hubal Item: 5423
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1991 These
three workbooks feature information to reinforce important
points in A Program for You and include exercises for
self-examination and disclosure. Clear discussions of each Step
and probing questions offer us a guide to personal insight and
reflection. 8-1/2" x 11", 35-48pp. each. |
A Woman's Way Through the Twelve

Softcover, 288 pages Author: Stephanie
Covington Ph. D. ISBN: 0894869930 Publisher: Hazelden
Published Year: 1994
This illuminating view of how women
understand and process the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous
explores such essential topics as spirituality, powerlessness, and
the emergence of a woman's sense of feminine soul. A Woman's Way
Through the Twelve Steps remains true to the underlying spiritual
truths of the Twelve Step program of Alcoholics Anonymous while
triumphantly overcoming the traditional male orientation of Alcoholics
Anonymous. For every woman who has felt there are issues crucial
to her recovery that just can't be brought up in a mixed-gender
meeting, this book sheds encouraging feminine light on the wisdom
of A.A.
A Woman's Way Through the Twelve Steps - Workbook

Workbook, 104 pages Author: Stephanie
S. Covington Ph. D. Item: 1752 Publisher: Hazelden
Publishing and Educational Services Published Year:
2000 Designed to be used in
conjunction with A Woman's Way Through the Twelve Steps, this
workbook helps deepen and extend understanding of the lessons
taught there and further empowers each woman to take ownership
of her recovery process as well as her growth as a woman. |
Easy Does It

Softcover, 400 pages Author: Hazelden
Meditations ISBN-10: 1568385072 Publisher:
Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published Year:
A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations.
Easy Does It is a slogan and a philosophy of all 12 Step Fellowships.
Those who work toward progress in recovery are advised to be patient.
When they go slowly - and solutions to problems and situations begin
to appear - they can take action.
Staying Sober Tips for Working a
12 Step Program

Tips for Working a Twelve Step Program of
Softcover, 208 pages Author: Meredith Gould
Item: 1694
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1999 The
fundamental components of staying sober -- not using, going to
meetings, reaching out, working the Steps, and serving other --
are only the beginning of the strategies offered. Day-to-day and
moment-to-moment techniques plus program slogans and humor
provide newcomers with fresh wisdom for maintaining sobriety. |
A Skeptic's Guide to the 12 Steps

Softcover, 241 pages Author:
Phillip Z. Item: 5130
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1990 How
many of us have felt like Phillip Z? He has a staunch belief in
the Twelve Steps, yet struggles with the concept of a Higher
In A Skeptic's Guide to the 12 Steps, the author investigates
each of the Twelve Steps to gain a deeper understanding of a
higher power. He examines what may seem like "unsettling"
concepts to us including surrendering one's will and life to
God, and he encourages us to understand the spiritual journey of
recovery despite our skepticism. |
The Twelve Steps for Christians

Paperback, 239 pages Item: 6477
Publisher: RPI Publications Published Year: 1988
The spiritual truths of the Bible and the
practical wisdom of the 12 Steps of A.A. have a lot in common.
This book shows us how to combine them into a 12 Step program
with Jesus Christ as our Higher Power. |
The Twelve Steps for Everyone...

Who Really Wants Them Softcover, 128 pages
Author: Jerry Hirschfield, Ph.D. Publisher: Hazelden Publishing
and Educational Services Published Year: 1976
This classic Twelve Step book has
sold more than one half-million copies to date. A caring
adaptation of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous
for anyone seeking a practical path to spiritual and emotional
freedom. This compassionate, insightful book is written in the
language of the heart, and is used by both lay people and
professionals. |
Twelve Step Sponsorship

How It Works 5-3/4"x8-3/8" Trade Paper, 400 pages
Author: Hamilton B.
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1996
"Passing it on" is a key concept in the Twelve Step community
and many of the traditions and knowledge of the Twelve Step
recovery program have been passed down by word-of-mouth from one
generation of sponsors to the next. Twelve Step Sponsorship
effectively takes this knowledge and tradition and applies it to
a working manual for sponsors, guiding them through their role
in reaching out and helping new program members. Designed as a
"how-to" program for sponsors, Twelve Step Sponsorship offers:
reading assignments
common questions that
sponsors face
procedural suggestions for
leading a newcomer through the Twelve Steps
general guidelines for
becoming an effective sponsor
Twelve Step Sponsorship offers
sponsors the first complete handbook for working with a newcomer
-- from the first meeting through the Twelfth Step and into the
years that follow. |
The 12 Steps to Happiness

A Practical Handbook For Understanding And
Working The Twelve Step Programs For Alcoholism, Codependency,
Eating Disorders And Other Addictions
Softcover, 5-3/8" x 6-7/8", 165 pages Author: Joe
Klaas Item: 6244
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1982 Many
of us working the Twelve Steps may sometimes wonder, "Am I
really working my program to the fullest?" In this expanded
edition of his classic handbook, author Joe Klaas breaks down
the language of each Step and explains the resistance and
misunderstandings that may arise. Each chapter invites us to
explore for ourselves the Step's true meaning and to reflect on
the impact it will have on our lives. |
How to Get Sober and Stay Sober
Steps 1 Through 5
Softcover, 96 pages Author: Anonymous Item: 1716
Publisher: Hazelden / Johnson Institute Published
Year: 2000
This step-by-step guide helps
those new to recovery start building the foundation for a
lifetime of sobriety. The workbook makes the powerful, healing
concepts of Steps One through Five come alive through
thought-provoking exercises, concise and simple language, and
helpful illustrations. How to Get Sober and Stay Sober provides
a thorough look at the first five Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous,
which guides newcomers through the process of understanding
chemical dependence, how it has affected them, and what they
need to do to get help. |
A Gentle Path Through the Twelve Steps

The Classic Guide for All People in the Process
of Recovery
Softcover, 328 pages Author: Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.
Item: 7625
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1993
Carnes offers us exercises,
inventories, and guided reflections for those of us facing the
daily challenges of attaining or maintaining an addiction-free
This revised edition of A Gentle
Path through the Twelve Steps is a treasure chest, a rich and
powerful resource for anyone working a twelve-step program.
Carnes is a gifted teacher and leader in the addiction recovery
field. Wendy Maltz, M.S.W., Sexual Healing Journey |
Father Fred and the Twelve Steps: A Primer for Recovery
This is a very moving book. Fr. Fred speaks from
his own experience of being saved from the disease of alcoholism
and from his years of thinking about and speaking on the Twelve
Steps that have been God's gift to him and to countless others.
This is a book that needs to be read and pondered more than
once. It is full of wisdom and profound understanding of human
life...The book can profitably be read by all those who are
seeking wisdom about how to live wisely and well in this world.
Step 1 Amethyst Gemstone Bracelet

Stainless steel link charm is adorned with an oval-shaped
amethyst, bezel set. Link charm measures 3/8" x 1/3". Amethyst is
said to alleviate mental stress and is prized for its healing, calming
effect on the wearer.
Step 1 AA Foundations of Recovery

Pamphlet, 24 pages Author: William Springborn
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1977
Over a million people have been helped
to take that first step with this easy-to-read pamphlet. The author
provides an in-depth understanding of the first step in the 12 Step
program of Alcoholics Anonymous. The pamphlet also provides a table
that outlines the stages of addiction and recovery.
Step 1 for Young Adults

Workbook, 24 pages Author: Jane
Nakken, C.C.D.P.
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1985>
Questions, examples, and personal
stories guide young people through the first Step of a 12 Step program.
Keep It Simple - Step 1

Workbook, 32 pages Author: Jane Nakken, C.C.D.P.
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1987
Updated and easy-to-read Step
guidance for those of us who want to learn what working a Step
means. Workbooks ask questions and include ample space to write
responses. Each workbook measures 8-1/2" x 11".
A Good First Step

A First Step Workbook for Twelve
Step Programs 5-1/4" x 8-1/4"
Trade paper, 60 pages Author: Richard A. Hamel
Item: 7615
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1993
Using a structured format, this
helpful booklet allows us to take this important "make or break"
recovery step.
Step 1 for Adolescents Video

VHS, 15 min. Item:
2097 ISBN-13: 9781592851041 ISBN-10:
1592851045 Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational
Services Published Year: 2003
Admitting to powerlessness, coming to believe,
turning over one's will - how a teen experiences the first three
Steps can differ exponentially from an adult. Sarah, Adam, and
other teens share their triumphs and setbacks in candid
heartfelt stories about parents, school, and friendships.
This video is one in a series of three that is
an excellent outreach tool for community youth groups or for
areas where youth Step meetings aren't readily available. A core
resource for treatment programs.
Step 1 for Adults Video

VHS, approximately 15 minutes.
Item: 2096
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 2003
Attending that first Alcoholics
Anonymous meeting can be an intimidating experience. Hazelden's
new Step videos can help. Adults with anywhere from 4 months to
14 years of sobriety share stories about the setbacks and
triumphs they faced in working the first three Steps. Their
stories are candid, from the heart, and at times touched with
humor. Their progression from Steps One through Three is
evident. And their experience can open up a new world for
clients in early recovery.
This video, the first in a series
of three, is a core resource for any treatment program and an
excellent outreach tool for community groups or for areas where
Step meetings aren't readily available.
Step 2
Step 2 Lapis lazuli Gemstone Bracelet

Stainless steel link charm is adorned with an oval-shaped
gemstone of lapis lazuli, bezel set. Link charm measures 3/8" x
1/3". Lapis is said be a powerful stone for those who seek spiritual
development. It is believed to bring mental clarity and emotional
Step 2 AA Coming to Believe

Coming to Believe Pamphlet, 32 pages Item: 1273
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1992
Personal stories highlight Step
Two issues in this helpful pamphlet. The author outlines the key
benefits of Step 2 using a spiritual, rather than religious.
tone. He helps us to understand the need to seek the help of
others in the fellowship.
Step 2 For Young Adults

Young People In Recovery Workbook, 20 pages
Author: Jane Nakken, C.C.D.P. Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and
Educational Services Published Year: 1985
Questions, examples, and personal
stories guide young people through the second Step of a 12 Step
Keep It Simple - Step 2

Work Book, Step Two Author:
Jane Nakken, C.C.D.P. Item: 5381
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1987
Updated and easy-to-read Step
guidance for those of us who want to learn what working a Step
means. Workbooks ask questions and include ample space to write
responses. Each workbook measures 8-1/2" x 11".
Step 3
Step 3 Garnet Gemstone Bracelet Charm

Stainless steel link charm is adorned with an oval-shaped
gemstone of garnet, bezel set. Link charm measures 3/8" x 1/3".
Garnet is believed to instill feelings of security in the wearer,
while banishing negativity.
Step 3 AA Making a Decision

Making a Decision Pamphlet, 32 pages
Item: 1277
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1992
The author helps us to identify
the eight most common blocks to Step Three and he provides
strategies to overcome them. The pamphlet features 23 open and
close-ended questions to help us determine where we have blocks
in our lives. We learn the value of honest feedback and the
openness to take direction from our sponsors, peers, family, and
Step 3 for Young Adults

For Young People in Recovery Workbook, 20 pages
Author: Della Van Dyke, Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and
Educational Services Published Year: 1985
Questions, examples, and personal
stories guide young people through the third Step of a 12 Step
Keep It Simple - Step 3

Workbook, Step Three Author: Don Freeman Item:
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1988
Updated and easy-to-read Step guidance for those of us who want
to learn what working a Step means. Workbooks ask questions and
include ample space to write responses. Each workbook measures
8-1/2" x 11". |
Step 4
Step 4 Citrine Gemstone Bracelet

Stainless steel link charm is adorned with an oval-shaped
citrine gemstone, bezel set. Link charm measures 3/8" x 1/3". Citrine
is believed to enhance the body’s healing energy and diminish self-destructive
Step 4 AA Getting Honest

Getting Honest Pamphlet, 32 pages
Item: 1286
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1992
True-to-life stories illustrate
four of the benefits of completing a searching and fearless
personal inventory. A list of 123 character traits help us to
identify personal characteristics that may need improving in
order for us to begin our recovery from alcoholism and other
chemical dependency.
Step 4 for Young Adults

Workbook, 24 pages Item: 1129 ISBN-13:
9780894861187 ISBN-10: 0894861182 Publisher: Hazelden Publishing
and Educational Services Published Year: 1981
Questions, examples, and personal
stories guide young people through the fourth Step of a 12 Step
Keep it Simple - Step 4

Includes material from the pamphlet Workbook, 32
pages Item: 5383
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1988
Updated and easy-to-read Step guidance for those of us who want
to learn what working a Step means. Workbooks ask questions and
include ample space to write responses. Each workbook measures
8-1/2" x 11". |
Fourth Step Guide: Journey Into Growth

Paperback, 48 pages Author:
Daryl Kosloskie, A.C.S.W. Item: 7618
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1977 In
this helpful guide, the authors lead us through exercises that
enable us to examine our behaviors, thoughts, feelings and
actions in preparation for the Fifth Step. |
Step 5
Step 5 Carnelian Gemstone Bracelet

Stainless steel link charm is adorned with an oval-shaped
carnelian gemstone, bezel set. Link charm measures 3/8" x 1/3".
Carnelian is believed to expel fears, provide courage, and help
the wearer maintain cheer.
Step 5 AA Telling My Story

Telling My Story Pamphlet, 32 pages
Author: Edward C. Sellner, Ph.D.
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1981
Revealing our true selves to
someone makes Step 5 one of the most difficult steps to complete
in AA's 12 Step program. The author of this pamphlet helps make
the step less frightening by offering a clear explanation of the
purpose, intent, and benefits of taking a Fifth Step. He
explains both our role and the role of the Fifth Step listener
in the process.
Step 5 for Young Adults

Young People in Recovery Workbook, 15 pages
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1991
Questions, examples, and personal
stories guide young people through the fifth Step of a 12 Step
Keep It Simple - Step 5

Workbook, 32 pages Author: Rev.
Dr. Robert Swinea Item: 5384
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1988
Updated and easy-to-read Step guidance for those of us who want
to learn what working a Step means. Workbooks ask questions and
include ample space to write responses. Each workbook measures
8-1/2" x 11". |
Step 6
Step 6 Peridot Gemstone Bracelet

Stainless steel link charm is adorned with an oval-shaped
peridot, bezel set. Link charm measures 3/8" x 1/3". Peridot is
believed to possess healing properties, boost confidence, and aid
in mental cleansing.
Steps 6 and 7 AA Ready, Willing and Able

Ready, Willing, and Able Item: 1287
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1992 Steps
six and seven prepare clients to be “entirely ready” to become
what the author refers to as “God’s instrument.” Placing
emphasis on a higher power in order to move further along the
road of recovery, this pamphlet explains that God must remove
all of our character flaws and shortcomings to make way for a
new, enlightened person. Patience, perseverance and faith are at
the heart of steps 6 and 7 and along the journey to recovery.
Step 7
Step 7 Quartz Crystal Gemstone Bracelet

Stainless steel link charm is adorned with an oval-shaped
quartz crystal gemstone, bezel set. Link charm measures 3/8" x 1/3".
Quartz crystal is believed to free the wearer of stored anger and
resentment, while aiding in the development of compassion and forgiveness.
Steps 6 and 7 AA Ready, Willing and Able

Ready, Willing, and Able Item: 1287
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1992 Steps
six and seven prepare clients to be “entirely ready” to become
what the author refers to as “God’s instrument.” Placing
emphasis on a higher power in order to move further along the
road of recovery, this pamphlet explains that God must remove
all of our character flaws and shortcomings to make way for a
new, enlightened person. Patience, perseverance and faith are at
the heart of steps 6 and 7 and along the journey to recovery.
Step 8
Step 8 Jade Gemstone Bracelet Charm

Stainless steel link charm is adorned with an oval-shaped
jade gemstone, bezel set. Link charm measures 3/8" x 1/3". Jade
is believed to rid negativity, while soothing the mind and strengthening
the body.
Step 8 AA Preparing for Change

Pamphlet, 20 pages Item: 1288
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1992
Now that we've begun to heal, we
need to heal the wounds we've caused to others. This pamphlet
helps us to make a list of those we harmed by our addictive
behaviors so that we can prepare to make amends to them.
Step 9
Step 9 Hematite Gemstone Bracelet

Stainless steel link charm is adorned with an oval-shaped
hematite gemstone, bezel set. Link charm measures 3/8" x 1/3". Hematite
is believed to enhance personal magnetism and dissolve negative
Step 9 AA Repairing the Past

Pamphlet, 16 pages Item: 1289
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1992
Making amends to those we've
harmed helps us to take a giant leap in our recovery. This
pamphlet describes how to make amends, but also offers us
insight on when it is best not to reopen a wound.
Step 10
Step 10 Pearl Gemstone Bracelet Charm

Stainless steel link charm is adorned with an oval-shaped
pearl, bezel set. Link charm measures 3/8" x 1/3". The pearl is
a symbol of modesty and purity and is believed to lessen stress.
Step 10 AA Maintain New Life

Pamphlet, 20 pages Author: Mel B.
Item: 1294
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1982
We're only human, and humans make
mistakes. This pamphlet helps us to understand the benefit of
admitting when we are wrong so that we don't start hiding behind
secrets that could lead to a relapse.
Step 11
Step 11 Tigers Eye Gemstone Bracelet

Stainless steel link charm is adorned with an oval-shaped
tigereye, bezel set. Link charm measures 3/8" x 1/3". Tigereye is
believed to instill the wearer with personal power, will, strength,
and self-confidence.
Step 11 AA Partnership With a Higher

Pamphlet, 16 pages Author: Mel B.
Item: 1431
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1992
Doing things our way got us into
trouble. Now it is time to develop a relationship with our
Higher Power in order to carry out God's will for us. This
pamphlet explains the many benefits to us.
Step 12
Step 12 Turquoise Gemstone Bracelet

Stainless steel link charm is adorned with an oval-shaped
turquoise, bezel set. Link charm measures 3/8" x 1/3". Turquoise
is a symbol of creative expression, emotional balance, and friendship
and is believed to attract abundance.
Step 12 AA Carry the Message

Pamphlet, 20 pages Author:
Joseph L. Kellermann
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1992
Step 12 is about helping others
in order to help ourselves. This pamphlet explains how we can
best keep of program of A.A. by giving it away.