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Beyond Codependency : And Getting Better All the Time

Codependency, Emotional Violence, and Domestic Abuse DVD

Codependents' Guide to the Twelve Steps : How to Find the Right Program for You and Apply Each of the Twelve Steps to Your Own Issues

Love is a Choice Workbook : Recovery for codependent relationships

in Cyberspace
Adult Children in Recovery Internet Resource Center. |
workbook |
Steps Online Workbook
This site helps you have a creative dialogue with the Twelve Steps.
That is, examine what the 12 steps have to say, but also put a lot
of yourself in the process. This 12 steps workbook is
especially geared to people who are struggling with co-dependency
and co-dependent relationships. |
Serenity Place
A Serenity Place is a closed online Al-Anon
meeting. We meet twenty-hours a day, seven days a week. The meeting
format at A Serenity Place is a daily meeting; a new meeting every
day of the week. Each day of the week is chaired by a different
member. Some days of the week are structured topics; for instance on
Mondays the meeting is on the Twelve Steps. Some days are Open
Topic--the chair will announce the topic that day. We consider
ourselves an Al-Anon group in every sense of the word; we follow the
Twelve Traditions of Al-Anon and conduct business like any other
group. Our communication with the greater fellowship of Al-Anon
Family Groups is through our Meeting Contact, our trusted servant
who handles liaison with the World Service Office. This meeting pays
particular attention to the "Obstacles to Success" also
known as the "Practical Application of the Twelve
Traditions." |
Adult Children of
Adult Children of Alcoholics is a Twelve Step, Twelve
Tradition program of women and men who grew up in alcoholic or
otherwise dysfunctional homes. We meet with each other in a mutually
respectful, safe environment and acknowledge our common experiences.
We discover how childhood affected us in the past and influences us
in the present ("The Problem"). We take positive action.
By practicing the Twelve Steps, focusing on "The
Solution", and accepting a loving Higher Power of our
understanding, we find freedom from the past and a way to improve
our lives today. |
For over 50
years, Al-Anon (which includes Alateen for younger members) has been
offering hope and help to families and friends of alcoholics. It is
estimated that each alcoholic affects the lives of at least four
other people... alcoholism is truly a family disease. No matter what
relationship you have with an alcoholic, whether they are still
drinking or not, all who have been affected by someone else’s
drinking can find solutions that lead to serenity in the Al-Anon/Alateen
fellowship. |
Awakenings is an email Al-Anon Meeting focusing on Steps 3 and 11
and the spiritual journey of recovering from the effects of living
with or having lived with a person with a drinking problem -- their
families and friends. |
Family Groups
Co-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of
men and women who are husbands, wives, parents, relatives, or
close friends of someone who is chemically dependent. If you
are seeking a solution to the problems that come from living
with a practicing or recovering cocaine addict, we at Co-Anon
can help you. We are relatives and friends who share a
common bond: we feel our lives have been deeply affected by
another person's drug abuse. We meet regularly to share our
experience, strength and hope. By practicing the 12 Steps of
recovery ourselves, we learn to cope with our difficulties and
find a more serene approach to life. |

Anonymous (CODA)
A program of recovery
from codependence, where each of us may share our experience,
strength, and hope in our efforts to find freedom where there
has been bondage and peace where there has been turmoil in our
relationships with others and ourselves. Most of us have been searching for ways to
overcome the dilemmas of the conflicts in our relationships
and our childhoods. Many of us were raised in families where
addictions existed - some of us were not. In either case, we
have found in each of our lives that codependence is a most
deeply rooted compulsive behavior and that it is born out of
our sometimes moderately, sometimes extremely dysfunctional
family systems. We have each experienced in our own ways the
painful trauma of the emptiness of our childhood and
relationships throughout our lives. We attempted to use others - our mates,
friends, and even our children, as our sole source of
identity, value and well being, and as a way of trying to
restore within us the emotional losses from our childhoods.
Our histories may include other powerful addictions which at
times we have used to cope with our codependence.
Codependency from a spiritual point of view
Hints for taking control of one's life and allowing others' to choose their own way. |
COSA is a recovery program for men and women
whose lives have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior. In
COSA, we find hope whether or not there is a sexually addicted
person currently in our lives. With the humble act of reaching out,
we begin the process of recovery. The COSA recovery
program has been adapted from the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
of Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon. It is a program for our
spiritual development, no matter what our religious beliefs. As we
meet to share our experience, strength and hope while working the
twelve steps, we grow stronger in spirit. We begin to lead our lives
more serenely and in deeper fulfillment, little by little, one day
at a time. Only in this way can we be of help to others. |
An Online Al-Anon Email and Chat Meeting.
CyberSerenity [CAFG] began in March 1995 and grew to about 700
members by September 1996. On June 18, 1996 - CyberSerenity [CAFG]
was the first online Al-Anon group listed at WSO. In September, 1997
the large meeting split into two. Our current membership is about
500 members with about 5 - 10 messages per day. We have a
weekly topic, chosen by a Group Chair who rotates monthly. The
topics are usually based on a step or tradition that changes
monthly. Sharing off topic is always welcome. Individual (one
message at a time as it is sent to the list) or digest (all messages
for one day in one large message), and no mail (read messages at the
website) are available. CAFG also has a chat room. Meeting
times, when scheduled, will be posted on the calendar at the CAFG
eGroups website. You must be a member to chat. The chat room is
always open if members would like to arrange their own 'meeting'.
Members can also chat one on one by agreeing on when to go to the
chat room and clicking on the name of the member they would like to
chat with. |
Hope &
Healing WebChronicles
Journal of spiritual journeys & personal transformations
possible for families affected by alcoholism. Includes Hope and
Healing webChronicles, a healing journal focusing on the spiritual
journeys and transformations possible for the individual and family
affected by alcoholism, addictions and codependency. |
OK When You're Not
A resource guide for adult children of
dysfunctional families. How control and boundary violation
effect the healthy development of children into adults. How
destructive control behaviors are learned and their use. How to
unlearn destructive control behaviors. A look at finding serenity. |
Abundant Spirituality+Codependence Recovery+Love=Joy2MeU.
Information on codependence recovery, inner child/emotional healing,
grief process, dysfunctional relationships, spirituality, fear of
intimacy & 12-step recovery. |
Miracles In
Miracles In Progress 12 Step Recovery Forums offers
online Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, ACOA-ACA, Alateen meetings and
general 12 Step support chat. This site is not approved or endorsed
by any 12 Step organization. This is a public forum for people in
recovery who use a 12 Step Program, and individuals interested in
learning more about the 12 Step recovery programs. In no way,
directly or indirectly is this site affiliated with Alcoholics
Anonymous, Al-Anon Family Groups, ACA, Alateen or any other 12 Step
organization. It is just an attempt by many 12 Step members,
from various 12 Step organizations, to provide the online recovery
community with information, resources, and online 12 Step meetings
and support. Take off your shoes, make yourself at home with
us at Miracles In Progress 12 Step Recovery Forums, and join the 12
Step groups chatroom that is appropriate for you.
Nar-Anon is a twelve-step program designed to help
relatives and friends of addicts recover from the effects of living
with an addicted relative or friend. Nar-Anon's program of recovery
is adapted from Narcotics Anonymous and uses Nar-Anon's Twelve Steps
and Twelve Traditions. The only requirement to be a member and
attend Nar-Anon meetings is that there is a problem of drugs or
addiction in a relative or friend. |
National Association
for Children of Alcoholics
The National Association for Children of
Alcoholics (NACoA) believes that none of these vulnerable children
should grow up in isolation and without support. NACoA is the
national nonprofit membership organization working on behalf of
children of alcohol and drug dependent parents. Our mission is
to advocate for all children and families affected by alcoholism and
other drug dependencies. In a word, we help kids hurt by parental
alcohol and drug use. |
Online Al-Anon
Information Service
Listing of online Al-Anon Family Groups (email & chat meetings).
As the Internet itself has rapidly grown in the past few years,
members of Al-Anon Family Groups were included in the millions of
people who went "online." Many of those members have
naturally gathered themselves together to fellowship and share their
experience, strength, and hope. For many of us in the online
community, Al-Anon on the Internet has been a wonderful supplement
to our personal journey of recovery -- another tool we have added to
help us work the program. But for many others, who were formerly
"lone members" or limited by physical disability from
attending regular "face-to-face" meetings, Online Al-Anon
has been nothing short of a gift from a power greater than
ourselves. While Online Al-Anon should not substitute for
person-to-person Al-Anon Family Group membership, due to its
limitations in providing true personal contact with others in
recovery, Al-Anon on the Internet has many advantages.
"Meetings" on the Internet are virtually continuous and
are not restricted by geographical differences. It is unfettered by
time and space in its efforts to welcome and give comfort to the
families of alcoholics. |
On this page we will travel together into the world of the 12 Step
Recovery Process. What you find here will be a collection of
experience, strength and hope that is shared by millions of people
worldwide! These steps are suggested as a plan for recovery, and can
be combined with universal beliefs surrounding spiritual awareness.
The most important concept within this process, is the knowledge of
we-ness. This sounds humorous and is meant to be! We-ness
encompasses the vital connection that must be accepted within the
framework of the 12 steps. We are of a community together, not
alone! Together we recover as we discover the 12-step path of living
principles. |
The S-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of the
relatives and friends of sexually addicted people who share their
experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common
problems. Our program of recovery is adapted from Alcoholics
Anonymous and is based on the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions
of Alcoholics Anonymous. S-Anon's Twelve Concepts of Service provide
guidance in serving each other in our business matters. There are no
dues or fees for S-Anon membership; we are self-supporting through
our own contributions. S-Anon is not allied with any sect,
denomination, politics, organization or institution; it does not
wish to engage in any controversy; nor does it endorse or oppose any
causes. Our primary purpose is to recover from the effects upon us
of another person's sexaholism and to help the families and friends
of sexaholics. We do this by applying the Twelve Steps of S-Anon to
our lives and by welcoming and giving comfort to families of
sexaholics. |
A word about the advertising:
In an effort to be self-supporting, the
Minnesota Recovery Page includes a limited amount of advertising.
The MRP makes a small amount of money when you click on the links below
and/or purchase an item after clicking through a link.
Serenity Prayer Bannerette
Courage to Change
One Day at a Time
in Al-Anon
A Life of My Own
Serenity Prayer
Buy this Wall Tapestry at
A Woman's Way Through the Twelve Steps
The Dance of Anger
Serenity Prayer Windchime
Self-Esteem: A Family Affair

The Reflecting Pond