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Sex has become a full time, embarrassing and risky preoccupation.
There is no one to talk to; if friends found out, you feel like they
would turn their backs on you. Let's seriously share what we are
feeling and deal with it. Sex is an addiction if improperly used.
This is a safe haven for people of any gender/sexuality, who need
help dealing with their ADDICTIVE sexual and/or emotional problems.
Please keep your profile clean for other members' safety. WE TOO ARE
Adverse Childhood Experiences
The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is a
major American research project that poses the question of whether,
and how, childhood experiences affect adult health decades later.
This question is being answered with the ongoing collaboration of
Robert Anda, MD at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the
cooperation of 17,421 adults at Kaiser Permanente’s Department of
Preventive Medicine in San Diego, California. Kaiser Permanente is a
multispecialty, prepaid, private health insurance system or Health
Maintenance Organization [HMO]. The findings from the ACE Study
provide a remarkable insight into how we become what we are as
individuals and as a nation. They are important medically, socially,
and economically. Indeed, they have given us reason to reconsider
the very structure of primary care medical practice in America.
The ACE Study reveals a powerful relationship
between our emotional experiences as children and our physical and
mental health as adults, as well as the major causes of adult
mortality in the United States. It documents the conversion of
traumatic emotional experiences in childhood into organic disease
later in life. How does this happen, this reverse alchemy, turning
the gold of a newborn infant into the lead of a depressed, diseased
adult? The Study makes it clear that time does not heal some of the
adverse experiences we found so common in the childhoods of a large
population of middle-aged, middle class Americans. One does not
‘just get over’ some things, not even fifty years later. |
American Family
Association Online
American Family Association Online.
Articles dealing with the issue of pornography, it's affect on our
culture & on the objectification of women. Information on legal
cases & how to support anti-obscenity laws. |
Family Filter
While the Internet is a wonderful thing, most parents are concerned
with protecting their loved ones from the temptations, dangers and
harmful material that gradually invades most homes. The AFA Filter
by Bsafe Online has strong, always current Internet filtering
software and porn blocker technology that is so easy, any novice can
install a free trial right now. Endorsed by American Family
Association and many other leading ministries and organizations,
Bsafe Online has a passion for protecting families on the Internet. |
Foundation for Addiction Research
The American Foundation for Addiction Research is dedicated to fostering scientific research, understanding and disseminating knowledge of the causes and nature of addictive disorders.
Scientific research on the neurochemistry of addictions, diagnostic
criteria for sexual addiction, the role of couples & families in
the recovery process & the relationship of trauma &
addictive disorders. |
Anna Foundation
The Anna foundation is dedicated to the celebration
of Anna Caroline Jennings' life through exhibiting her incredible
art work as well as using her life experience to educate others on
the epidemic of childhood sexual abuse and its horrific effects on
the individual and society.Anna Jennings
was sexually abused when she was less than three years old. This was
the first of several abuses that occurred over her lifetime, and put
a confused, frightened child into a mental health system that
neither recognized nor treated Anna's real problem. Diagnosed
"schizophrenic".. she was institutionalized for more than 12 years
from age 15 to 32. Although she attempted to communicate the "awful
things" that had happened to her, there was no one to listen,
understand or help her. She took her life on October 24, 1992, on a
back ward of a state mental hospital. |
Writings, Essays & Research on Sex & Love Addiction
Browse through articles related to sex & pornography addiction
& compulsion, as well as love & relationship addiction. |
Pornography Addiction
Since 1997, this site has been helping men and women of all
backgrounds recover from pornography addiction. |
This group is a recovery/buddy group for those of us who have
recognized, and have decided to make a committed step toward sexual
addiction recovery. The main purpose's of this group is to discuss
sexual addiction, provide support to each other during your recovery
and to provide links to places that provide professional assistance. |
of Sexual Addiction
COSA is a recovery program for men and women whose lives have been
affected by compulsive sexual behavior. In COSA, we find hope
whether or not there is a sexually addicted person currently in our
lives. With the humble act of reaching out, we begin the process of
The COSA recovery program has been adapted from
the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous and
Al-Anon. It is a program for our spiritual development, no matter
what our religious beliefs. As we meet to share our experience,
strength and hope while working the twelve steps, we grow stronger
in spirit. We begin to lead our lives more serenely and in deeper
fulfillment, little by little, one day at a time. Only in this way
can we be of help to others. |
Couples’ Recovery from Sex Addiction
A forum in which Sex Addicts and their spouses can come to
understand and help one another. Couples should also come to give
and receive support in the recovery process. While there are many
groups which support either the addict OR the spouse, this group
will support the couple that is trying to reestablish the foundation
of trust in order to rebuild their marriage. We are NOT affiliated
with a 12 Step Program, but do not prohibit discussion of its
philosophy. |
Sexual Addiction is a resource and referral information site
for people seeking help with addictive or compulsive computer-based
sexual activity and cyber-infidelity problems. The site provides a
variety of articles, self-tests and Internet links to the cybersex
addict and their partners, spouses and family members, helping them
to gain insight into online sexual behavior problems. A self-test is
provided for those concerned that they might have a cybersex
problem. Also available on the site are book and therapist referrals
for those seeking further information and support. The site is
designed and maintained by experts in the sexual addiction and
recovery field. |
Carnes’ Online Resources offers addiction and recovery resources from
international sex addiction expert Patrick Carnes, Ph.D. SexHelp
features the the leading books, videos and audios in the field of
sex addiction and recovery. SexHelp offers a sex addiction screening
test (SAST) where you can get a complete sex addiction profile
automatically with references to leading therapists in your area.
There is also a series of statements which describe traumatic
bonding in which a person bonds on the basis of betrayal. |
is Enough
Enough Is Enough is a national non-partisan, non-profit
organization. Our focus is on the Internet, which reaches millions
of children in homes, schools, and libraries, and where there are
two primary threats: children's easy access to pornography and
pedophiles' easy access to children. Our mission is to make the
Internet safer for children and families. Our approach is a
three-pronged solution of shared responsibility between the public,
technology and the law. |
of Darkness
Christian ministry for pornography addicts & their loved ones
offers a newsletter, articles, discussion groups, e-cards & a
bible search using passages or keywords, from the author of the
novel, Fires
of Darkness. Our mission is to instill hope
in you...hope that pornography addiction can be overcome and that it
does not have to destroy your families. Whether you are the person
who is addicted to pornography or the spouse of a pornography
addict, positive change is possible. Fires of Darkness is the
ministry of Tom and Mera Buford. It was birthed nearly ten years
after Tom overcame addictions to sex, pornography, gambling, and
more. Having been to the absolute bottom of the pit that pornography
addiction digs for its user, he knows the sense of hopelessness,
pain, and fear that the addicted one feels. |
Not finding what you're looking for? Try a search on Google!
News For Sexual Addiction
We are a Christian Group of former sex addicts (homosexuals,
heterosexuals, bisexuals, lesbians, adulterers, fornicators,
masturbators, sex offenders, porn addicts, cybersex addicts, and all
sexually immoral) who have come to terms with our brokenness and our
inability to change through our own methods; but, only through the
great power of The Father, The Son (Jesus Christ) and The Holy
Spirit, is change made possible in our lives. We are committed to
the Lord Jesus Christ and stand firmly on the belief that He loves
all sinners, and that by His Blood that was sacrificed on the Cross
at Calvary, our sins were paid for in full. Through allowing the
Lord Jesus Christ to come into our hearts and trusting in Him as our
Savior, He will always be with us through all trials and
tribulations by providing us a way out. It is through God's only
Son, Jesus Christ, we are all saved. |
to Heart Counseling Centers
Provides telephone counseling with national sex addiction expert
Douglas Weiss Ph.D. as well as the leading books and videos in the
field of sex addiction to date. The spouse and partners of sex
addicts are also included on this site with telephone counseling,
books and videos. Our free newsletters are available on this site as
well, one for the sex addict and one for the partner of a sex
addict. If someone you know is struggling with sex addiction have
them browse our FAQ's to help them establish if they are sex
addicted. Dr. Weiss has over 15 years of recovery in addictions as
well as eleven years of successful sex addiction recovery with no
relapses for eleven years. This personal understanding of sex
addiction combined with over a decade of clinical experience
successfully treating sex addicts may help you start your journey
today. |

for Marital and Sexual Therapy
Our mission is to provide our clients who are in need of sex therapy
with access to a sex therapist's directory on a national basis. In
addition, a sex test for diagnosis of sexual problems and sex tapes
and sex books for self help are provided. The use of this site
should allow you to begin to solve any sexual problem or sexual
dysfunction. |
A professional and confidential program for people with sexual
addictions and compulsions. KAVOD is a Hebrew
word for honor, having heart, courage, respect. |
Day Sexual Recovery
Web site devoted to the support and help of Latter-day Saints who
are desirous of overcoming sexual addiction/compulsion in their
lives. This site is not sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. It is written by members of the Church who are
recovering sex addicts/compulsives who wish to help others that
might also be involved in this evil and have a desire to change. One
need not be a member of the LDS church to participate here, but we
believe that "Sobriety" or "Bottom Line Behavior" has been clearly
defined for us in the scriptures and by modern-day prophets. Because
of this belief, we are different than other 12-step programs who do
not adhere to any particular theology or specific religion. |

Life Partners
New Life Partners is a Christian online resource and support group
for women whose lives have been impacted by husbands or loved ones
caught in the web of pornography and/or sexual addiction. Here you
will find sharing, caring, love, hope, and prayer to help you daily
walk out the Lord's plan for your life. If you are hurting right
now, click
to read our welcome to you. |
Sexual Addiction
Offers counseling for sexual addiction, as well as marriage
counseling to aid the healing process. |
Porn-Free was created to help people discover the truth about
pornography and "sexual" addictions. While sex is a wonderful,
God-given gift, it can be abused like a drug for a variety of
reasons. Today, many people find themselves captive to addictive
cycles of viewing pornography, masturbation, illicit sex, online
affairs, prostitution, phone sex and other sexual activities. If you
think you are addicted or know someone who is, this site may be
helpful to you. |

Life Ministries
Pure Life Ministries exists to
serve Christian individuals and organizations dealing with sexual
sin throughout the world by providing biblically based counseling,
teaching materials and a public speaking ministry with the goal of
leading Christians to victory over sexual sin and a deeper life in
God. |
Resource for those who may be addicted to online pornography or
affairs as well as those who care about them |
Rape, Abuse & Incest National
The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) is the nation's
largest anti-sexual assault organization. RAINN operates the
National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1.800.656.HOPE and carries out
programs to prevent sexual assault, help victims and ensure that
rapists are brought to justice. Inside, you'll find statistics,
counseling resources, prevention tips, news and more. |
Couples Anonymous
Recovering Couples Anonymous (RCA) is a 12-Step
Fellowship founded in the Autumn of 1988. There are groups
throughout the United States, as well as worldwide. Although there
is no organizational affiliation with Alcoholics Anonymous©, The 12
Steps, 12 Traditions and Principles are adapted from A.A. The
primary purpose of RCA is to help couples find freedom from
dysfunctional patterns in relationships. By using the tools of the
program, we take individual responsibility for the well-being of the
relationship, build new joy, and find intimacy with each other. We
are couples committed to restoring healthy communication, caring and
greater intimacy to our relationships. We suffer from many
addictions and co-addictions; some identified and some not, some
treated and some not. We also come from different levels of
brokenness. Many of us have been separated or near divorce. Some of
us are new in our relationships and seek to build intimacy as we
grow together as couples. |

The S-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of the
relatives and friends of sexually addicted people who share their
experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common
problems. Our program of recovery is adapted from Alcoholics
Anonymous and is based on the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions
of Alcoholics Anonymous. S-Anon's Twelve Concepts of Service provide
guidance in serving each other in our business matters. There are no
dues or fees for S-Anon membership; we are self-supporting through
our own contributions. S-Anon is not allied with any sect,
denomination, politics, organization or institution; it does not
wish to engage in any controversy; nor does it endorse or oppose any
causes. Our primary purpose is to recover from the effects upon us
of another person's sexaholism and to help the families and friends
of sexaholics. We do this by applying the Twelve Steps of S-Anon to
our lives and by welcoming and giving comfort to families of
sexaholics. |
Captives Free
Setting Captives Free exists to offer Christ-centered Hope and
Freedom to those in the grip of sin through accountability to
Bible-based Truth resulting in the true enjoyment of Life in and for
the Glory of God. |
& Love Addicts Anonymous
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is a Twelve Step -
Twelve Tradition oriented fellowship based on the model pioneered by
Alcoholics Anonymous. One of the resources we draw on is our
willingness to stop acting out in our own personal bottom line
addictive behavior on a daily basis. In addition, members reach out
to others in the fellowship, practice the Twelve Steps and Twelve
Traditions of S.L.A.A. and seek a relationship with a higher power
to counter the destructive consequences of one or more addictive
behaviors related to sex addiction, love addiction, dependency on
romantic attachments, emotional dependency, and sexual, social and
emotional anorexia. We find a common denominator in our obsessive,
compulsive patterns which renders any personal differences of sexual
or gender orientation irrelevant. |
Sex addiction is a destructive and difficult problem. It ruins
relationships, loses jobs, causes arrests, and destroys self-esteem
and physical health. Millions of people are affected. And it is not
primarily a moral problem. It is a problem of out-of-control
feelings and behaviors. However, where there is a desire to recover
there is hope. |
For the help and recovery through each other from our addiction to
sex in all forms. This is to include sex, pornography, cybersex, and
any other form our addiction takes us. |
Addicts Anonymous
Sex Addicts Anonymous, SAA, is a fellowship of men and women who
share their experience, strength and hope with each other so they
may overcome their sexual addiction and help others recover from
sexual addiction or dependency. |
Sexaholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women
who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that
they may solve their common problem and help others to recover. The
only requirement for membership is a desire to stop lusting and
become sexually sober. There are no dues or fees for SA membership;
we are self-supporting through our own contributions. SA is not
allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or
institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither
endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay
sexually sober and help others to achieve sexual sobriety.
Sexaholics Anonymous is a recovery program based on the principles
of Alcoholics Anonymous. |
Addiction Recovery Resources
The most comprehensive page of Sexual Addiction Recovery Resources
available on the Internet |
Compulsives Anonymous
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous is a fellowship of men
and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each
other, that they may solve their common problem and help others to
recover from sexual compulsion. The only requirement for membership
is a desire to stop having compulsive sex. There are no dues or fees
for SCA membership; we are self-supporting through our own
contributions. SCA is not allied with any sect, denomination,
politics, organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in
any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our
primary purpose is to stay sexually sober and to help others to
achieve sexual sobriety. Members are encouraged to develop their own
sexual recovery plan, and to define sexual sobriety for themselves.
We are not here to repress our God-given sexuality, but to learn how
to express it in ways that will not make unreasonable demands on our
time and energy, place us in legal jeopardy -- or endanger our
mental, physical or spiritual health. |
Sexual Recovery
Anonymous |
Recovery Anonymous
Sexual Recovery Anonymous (SRA) is a fellowship of
men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with
each other that they may solve their common problem and help others
to recover. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop
compulsive sexual behavior. There are no dues or fees for SRA
membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.
SRA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics,
organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in any
controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary
purpose is to stay sexually sober and help others achieve sobriety.
Sobriety is the release from all compulsive and destructive sexual
behaviors. We have found through our experience that sobriety
includes freedom from masturbation and sex outside a
mutually-committed relationship. We believe that spirituality
and self-love are antidotes to the addiction. We are walking towards
a healthy sexuality. |
Recovery Institute
The Sexual Recovery Institute provides Southern
California residents with outpatient sexual addiction treatment. We
also offer short-term, intensive sexual addiction programs for our
out-of-state and international patients and a comprehensive
professional assessment program. |
Society for the Advancement of Sexual
The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH) offers hope
and valuable resources to those seeking information about sexual
addiction. The General Information section of our site is an
excellent place to begin. If you wish, you can take a self-scoring
test on sexual addiction. If you have come here looking for a
therapist for the treatment of sex addiction, our professional
members may be able to help you. |
Of Pornography
Victims of Pornography is a project sponsored by Citizens for
Community Values designed to help our society see that pornography
is not victimless. That It is affecting our families and
friends...And recognizing this fact is the key to changing lives.
Pornography and sexual addiction are effecting our families,
friends, communities and our self worth. These victims could be:
women being treated as mere sex objects, daughters with a loss of
innocence, children abused, and men and women who feel trapped. |

The Minnesota Recovery Page is a directory
of resources for recovery from chemical addiction in Minnesota. The Minnesota
Recovery Page is NOT an organization, nor is the Minnesota Recovery Page
endorsed by or affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, or any other
In an effort to be self-supporting, the Minnesota Recovery Page includes
a limited amount of advertising. The MRP makes a small amount of money when
you click on the links below and purchase an item.© 1996-2009 Minnesota Recovery
Page - All Rights Reserved
A word about the advertising:
In an effort to be self-supporting, the
Minnesota Recovery Page includes a limited amount of advertising.
The MRP makes a small amount of money when you click on the links below
and/or purchase an item after clicking through a link.
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
Anniversary Date Pendant, Sterling Silver
Answers in the Heart
Daily Meditations For Men And Women Recovering From Sex Addiction
Sobriety Medallion
Click to see many
more medallions
Out of the Shadows -
Third Edition
Understanding Sexual Addiction
Contrary to Love
Helping the Sexual Addict
Serenity Prayer Butterfly Rainbow Medallion
Click to see many
more medallions
Hope and Recovery
A Twelve Step Guide for Healing From Compulsive Sexual Behavior
Healing from Childhood Sexual Abuse
A Recovering Woman's Guide
Meditations For Women Survivors Of Sexual Abuse
Serenity Prayer Mug
Sexual Anorexia
Overcoming Sexual
Serenity Prayer Afghan
Love Addiction:
Help Yourself Out
Healthy Relationships
RELAX God Is In Charge Hat
Loving Me, Loving You
Balancing Love and Power in a Codependent World
A Woman's Journal - Workbook
Vastly More Than That
Stories of Lesbians & Gay Men in Recovery
Is It Love or Is It Addiction?, Second Edition
The Lord's Prayer
Buy this Art Print at
Hope And Recovery - The Workbook
The Language of Letting Go
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
Anniversary Date Pendant, Sterling Silver
Answers in the Heart
Daily Meditations For Men And Women Recovering From Sex Addiction
Out of the Shadows -
Third Edition
Understanding Sexual Addiction