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Accepting Ourselves & Others: A Journey into Recovery
from Addictive and Compulsive Behaviors for Gays, Lesbians & Bisexuals

Addiction and Recovery of Gay and Lesbian

Accepting Ourselves and Others: A Journey into Recovery from Addictive and Compulsive Behaviors for Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals

Addictions in the Gay and Lesbian Community

The Soul of Recovery: Uncovering the Spiritual Dimension in the Treatment
of Addictions

Bulletproof Faith: A Spiritual Survival Guide for Gay and Lesbian Christians

Reclaiming Your Life: The Gay Man's Guide to Recovery from Abuse, Addictions, and Self-defeating Behavior


Cruise Control: Understanding Sex Addiction in Gay Men
Gay & Lesbian Recovery
AA Meetings for Gay Beginners and Gay Visitors in New York
Author's pick of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Manhattan
that are
especially good for gay beginners (and visitors). |

Chanah's Healing Pages
One lesbian's recovery from self injury...also a page on being
a lesbian in recovery. |
Chicago Gay Meeting Schedule
In database format |

Children of Chaos
For all of those who believe that they may be having a problem
in regards to their use of drugs and alcohol (or, who like me,
found drugs & alcohol "the solution" to the difficulty and pain
and difficulty in life) this site is dedicated and maintained.
Below you will find a collection of links directing you to some
of the finest recovery the web has to offer! |
Emerald City Roundup
Our purpose is to provide a safe haven for GLBT
people whose foundations lie in the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics
Anonymous, and Al-Anon, and who share their respective experience,
strength, and hope, united as one universal fellowship.
Gay AA Roundups
From the IAC |
Gay & Lesbian Alcoholics
| is dedicated to providing recovery
support information for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
alcoholics. Provides “Do I Need Help?” checklist as well as
U.S. nationwide GLBT group meeting schedules, regional roundups,
and treatment options. |
GaySober2 is a meeting place for lesbian and
gay people in recovery from alcoholism and/or drug addiction.
If you are a recovering alcoholic and/or drug addict, you are
very welcome here to share your experience, strength and hope
with us so we can help each other to stay clean and sober. |
Gay 12 Step Homepage
A 12 step based website for gays and lesbians in recovery with
online chat and an open forum.
Gyrlz N Da Life
An online newsletter by lesbians of color providing
event and topics of interest for ALL lesbians worldwide regardless
of lifestyle and culture. |
Not finding what you're looking for? Try
a search on Google!

International Advisory Council
The International Advisory Council (IAC) serves
the gay and lesbian members of A.A.. Our sole purpose for existing
is to provide our experience, strength and hope to any arm of
A.A. when called upon to do so, and to work in the spirit of
UNITY and SERVICE with A.A. for the betterment of the gay and
lesbian members, and A.A. as a whole. Our function is not that
of a policy or decision-making board in matters affecting gay
and lesbian members of A.A., nor is our function to isolate
or separate ourselves from the mainstream of A.A.. |
Lambda Center, New Orleans
Providing a gay-friendly meeting place dedicated
to resident 12-step groups (primarily Alcoholics Anonymous and
Al-Anon), Lambda Center is both a refuge for the gay person
in recovery and a work of service to the wider community. All
are welcome; there are no fees - all that is needed is a desire
to recover. |
Lesbian Friends in Recovery
Gay and Lesbian Friends in Recovery offer support
for members of the GLBT community on the road of Recovery. Chat
Rooms, Message Boards, members and non member areas available.
Join us on Journey of Recovery and discover more than just a
web community... |

Lisbethduck's safe place for addicts, members
of the gay community, and all ducks
A safe place for those (addicts, members of the gay community,
survivors) of us who have been shunned from their families or
society. |
Living Sober 2002
Living Sober is a Conference
of Alcoholics Anonymous hosted
by gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered members of Alcoholics
Anonymous with Al-Anon participation. |
NYC Gay & Lesbian Center 12 Step Meetings
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center provides
a home for the birth, nurture and celebration of our organizations,
institutions and culture; cares for our individuals and groups
in need; educates the public and our community; and empowers
our individuals and groups to achieve their fullest potential.
Pride Institute
If you're gay, lesbian or bi-sexual and dealing with an alcohol,
drug or sexual dependency issue check out our helpful site. |
Queer Recovery
Sites and resources specifically embracing gays, Lesbians, bisexual
and transgendered folks. |
Rainbow Alliance the LGBT Community at the University of
The Rainbow Alliance at UWM is a confidential social/support
group for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and otherwise
Queer students on Colgate's campus. The group provides a social
outlet, a place for members to meet others like themselves,
and an avenue for members to organize around relevant political
issues and events. Rainbow Alliance meets and plans events
regularly (such as study night and informational meetings).
Rainbow Alliance also is open to university faculty/staff as
alumni, which serve as contacts and mentors for the students. |
Rainbow Hope
This site was created
so that we could share our experiences, grief, hopes, struggles
and dreams. We wanted
to create a space where women could be themselves without the
fear of being judged because of
sexual orientation issues. We hope that we can provide you with
a safe place to finally be able
to be completely yourself. |

We are women who have come together to offer
support and help to women who are recovering from alcoholism
and drug addiction. We have all been down the path of recovery...
sometimes more than once.. and we understand, as few can,
the loneliness, the pain and, the challenges
facing women who have had to wrestle with alcohol and drugs.
We know that our path to recovery is often different than the
path followed by our brothers in recovery, and we are here to
aid and support our sisters in recovery. We hope that here,
with other women in recovery, you will find a safe home.
Sobriety-1st, is an email support group for LGBT
struggling with addictions, Members post and each post is sent
to all of the other members who share their experience, strength
and hope. Each member can read every posting. While we all aren't
online at the same time, chances are excellent if you need a
quick response, you'll get one. It is important to remember
though, we are not a replacement for your face to face meetings,
we are like a daily vitamin or supplement you take in addition
to eating a balanced diet. |

The Triangle Club
The Triangle Club provides meeting space for
12-step groups and recovery activities for Gay and Lesbian people
of the Washington Metropolitan area. |

The Minnesota Recovery Page is a directory
of resources for recovery from chemical addiction in Minnesota. The
Minnesota Recovery Page is NOT an organization, nor is the Minnesota
Recovery Page endorsed by or affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon,
or any other group. In an effort to be self-supporting, the Minnesota
Recovery Page includes a limited amount of advertising. The MRP makes
a small amount of money when you click on the links below and purchase
an item.
© 1996-2009 Minnesota Recovery Page -
All Rights Reserved
A word about the advertising:
In an effort to be self-supporting, the
Minnesota Recovery Page includes a limited amount of advertising.
The MRP makes a small amount of money when you click on the links below
and/or purchase an item after clicking through a link.

Glad Day Daily Affirmations
Meditations For Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, And Transgender People

A Book of Prayer: For Gay and Lesbian Christians

History of Gay People in Alcoholics Anonymous:
From the Beginning
The Voice of Addiction Workbook - Cunning, Baffling,
and Powerful

Suicide Tuesday: Gay Men and the Crystal Meth Scare
Sobriety Medallion
Click to see many
more medallions
Answers in the Heart
From Anger To Forgiveness
Serenity Prayer Mug
I Want My Life Back
Twenty-Four Hours a Day - Journal
Anniversary Date Pendant, Sterling Silver
Serenity Prayer Butterfly Rainbow Medallion
Click to see many
more medallions