General AA Books |
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book (Hardcover)

It's more than a book. It's a way of life. Alcoholics
Anonymous-the Big Book-has served as a lifeline to millions worldwide.
First published in 1939, Alcoholics Anonymous sets forth cornerstone
concepts of recovery from alcoholism and tells the stories of men
and women who have overcome the disease. With publication of the
second edition in 1955, the third edition in 1976, and now the fourth
edition in 2001, the essential recovery text has remained unchanged
while personal stories have been added to reflect the growing and
diverse fellowship. The long-awaited fourth edition features 24
new personal stories of recovery.
Alcoholics Anonymous - Big Book 4th Edition (Softcover)

Alcoholics Anonymous Fourth Edition on CD

Alcoholics Anonymous Fourth Edition on Diskette
Alcoholics Anonymous - Big Book (Pocket Edition)
Alcoholics Anonymous - Big Book 4th Edition - Case Special (Hardcover)
Alcoholics Anonymous The Big Book Audios
Spanish Alcoholics Anonymous The Big Book
An Index to Alcoholics Anonymous 4th Edition

Pamphlet, 22 pages
ISBN: 1568389965
Publisher: Hazelden
Published Year: 2003
Developed for use with the fourth
edition of the Big Book, this tool will help you find the support
you need—when you need it. Features page and line references to
topics in the Big Book. |
The Little Red Book (Softcover)

Author: Anonymous
ISBN: 089486985X
Publisher: Hazelden
Published Year: 1994
This is the original study guide to
the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous. Filled with practical
information for those first days of sober living, this little book:
offers newcomers advice about the
program, how long it takes, and what to look for in a sponsor
provides in-depth discussions of
each of the Twelve Steps and related character defects
poses common questions about AA
and helping others, identifying where to find answers in the Big
features non-sexist language
The Big Book Unplugged

A Young Person's Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous
Softcover, 132 pp. Item: 2012
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published
Year: 2003 What does a teen
addicted to, say, marijuana, have in common with an adult alcoholic
from almost 70 years ago? Plenty, according to The Big Unplugged.
This book helps youth find common ground in Alcoholics Anonymous-a
book which may sometimes seem remote to today's teens. The author
summarizes each chapter of the Big Book, and in fresh, frank
language, addresses issues faced and roadblocks erected by teens
invincibility, surrender, spirituality, and more. |
A Program For You

A Guide To the Big Book's Design for Living Softcover
Edition, 183 pages
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1991
A Program for You
interprets the original A.A. program as described in the book
Alcoholics Anonymous and serves as the basis for studying
the Big Book. This guide provides us with a thorough
understanding of Twelve Step principles and includes exercises
on how we can apply them to our lives. |
Steps 1-3 - A Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living With Your Higher Power

A Workbook for Steps 1-3 Author:
James Hubal Item: 5421
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1991 These
three workbooks feature information to reinforce important
points in A Program for You and include exercises for
self-examination and disclosure. Clear discussions of each Step
and probing questions offer us a guide to personal insight and
reflection. 8-1/2" x 11", 35-48pp. each. |
Steps 4-7 - A Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living With Yourself

A Workbook for Steps 4-7 Author:
Joanne Hubal Item: 5422
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1991
Designed to work with the 3rd or 4th Edition of the Big Book.
These three workbooks feature information to reinforce important
points in A Program for You and include exercises for
self-examination and disclosure. Clear discussions of each Step
and probing questions offer us a guide to personal insight and
reflection. 8-1/2" x 11". |
Steps 8-12 - A Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living with Others

A Workbook for Steps 8-12
Author: Joanne Hubal Item: 5423
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 1991 These
three workbooks feature information to reinforce important
points in A Program for You and include exercises for
self-examination and disclosure. Clear discussions of each Step
and probing questions offer us a guide to personal insight and
reflection. 8-1/2" x 11", 35-48pp. each. |
The Roots of Alcoholics Anonymous

Softcover, 252 pages Author: Bill Pittman
Item: 6420
Publisher: Hazelden Pittman Archives Press Published
Year: 1988 The Roots of
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fascinating
history of treatment for alcoholism that traces society's shifting
sentiments towards recovery. Author Bill Pittman uncovers a wealth
of new and fascinating information about the people, movements and
organizations behind Alcoholics Anonymous |
The 7 Points of Alcoholics Anonymous

Paperback, 103 pages
Author: Richmond Walker ISBN:
Publisher: Hazelden
Published Year: 1989
The 7 Points of Alcoholics Anonymous
is the final work of Richmond Walker, author of the best-selling
beloved book Twenty-Four Hours a Day. This book is the summation of
Walker's knowledge on the practice and fundamentals of 12 Step
recovery. Topics include and overview and history of A.A., the
nature of alcoholism and recovery, the 12 Step way and fellowship,
surrender, character defects, amends, living One Day at a Time, and
sharing. |
The Annotated AA Handbook:
A Companion to the Big Book
The Annotated AA Handbook explains the directions for
working the 12 steps using the first edition Big Book text and
stories. There is a massive amount of commentary explaining almost
every sentence of the Big Book. The annotations illustrate how the
principles of AA apply to our lives and how we can live the program.
I am amazed at the amount of study and understanding that writing
this book must have required. The cross refs really enable us to
more fully understand the AA program. There are tables included that
show what the Big Book has to say about topics such as: Reasons to
Believe; Medical Opinions of Alcoholism, Attitudes that Hinder our
Progress; Directions for making a Beginning. Chapter 5 includes
GREAT tables for doing our fourth steps. The index is amazing in
itself -- the best I have ever seen, and way better than a
concordance. Every chapter has an introduction and section showing
an outline of concepts presented that I found especially helpful. I
recommend this book to everyone who is interested in the 12 steps,
AA history, the writers of the first edition stories, and especially
those who want to recover from alcoholism. Buy this book! |
The Little Red Book For Women
 Hardcover, 4 3/4" X 6 1/2", 160
pages ISBN: 1592850820
Publisher: Hazelden Published Year: 2004
Published in 1957, The Little Red
Book is known as the foremost study guide to the Big Book,
Alcoholics Anonymous. However, the original volume, filled with
practical advice for sober living, was written by two anonymous men
who, presumably, considered their audience to be comprised
predominantly, if not entirely, of men. That's why Hazelden's new
edition is written expressly for women. It features the original
text of The Little Red Book along with annotated passages addressing
issues related to how women experience addiction and recovery. The
annotations, written by best-selling author Karen Casey, introduce
women to the extraordinary camaraderie of Alcoholics Anonymous and
the restorative powers of Twelve Step recovery. |
Stools and Bottles

A Study of Character Defects - 31 Daily Meditations
Item: 1040
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published
Year: 1967 Penetrating insights
into the first four Steps from a well-known A.A. talk. The author,
who also wrote The Little Red Book, describes a three-legged stool,
the legs of which represents Steps One, Two, and Three. They support
the seat, which symbolizes the alcoholic. An excellent aid to the
daily application of the A.A. program. |
There's More to Quitting Drinking Than Quitting Drinking
And acceptance is the answer to all my problems... A.A.
members know of Dr. Paul's wisdom through the often-quoted passage
from his story in A.A.s Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous. Dr. Paul
continues sharing his astute insight and gentle humor with
discussions of the physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and
spiritual aspects of sobriety. |
Stage II Recovery

Life Beyond Addiction Softcover, 112
pages Author: Earnie Larsen
Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers Inc. Published
Year: 1986 Stage II Recovery is
the answer. Earnie Larsen, a dynamic speaker and a pioneer thinker
in the field of chemical dependency, says that sustained abstinence
from an addiction is only the first stage of recovery. Real recovery
begins with what he calls Stage II -- the rebuilding of the life
that was saved in Stage I. This inspiring, practical guide offers
breakthrough information on how to see and change learned
self-defeating behavior and make relationships work -- which is at
the core of full recovery.
"Earnie Larsen's message is a must of
every recovering person concerned with ongoing recovery." Chuck
Holton, Founder Mercy Medical Center, Chemical Dependency Program,
Golden Valley Health Care Chemical Dependency Program |
A Simple Program : A Contemporary Translation of the Book Alcoholics Anonymous
Since 1939, the book Alcoholics Anonymous ("The Big
Book") collectively composed by the first 100 persons to recover
through that program, has been said to have rescued millions of
formerly hopeless addicts from the claws of their hellish addiction.
But while alcoholism's horrors have remained unchanged, the
demography of its victims has altered. When the Big Book was
written, most known alcoholics were male; accordingly, its
linguistic and social orientations are pointedly gender-emphatic.
But now almost half of all alcoholics seeking help in AA are women,
and chapters such as "To Wives" (without an equivalent "To
Husbands") present, for some women, yet another stumbling block to
an already hard-won freedom. This, the first translation of the core
164 pages of the Big Book, is written by a sober 12-year member of
AA. Except for seamless and commendably transparent gender-balancing
(e.g., sans the grotesque "s/he" or the infamous Oxfordian
"Mother/Father God"), some replacements of obsolete 1930s slang, and
a few substitutions of the phrase "Higher Power" for the word "God,"
it remains indistinguishable from the life-saving original.
Consequently, A Simple Program belongs immediately next to
Alcoholics Anonymous on the shelves of every library. |
Carry This Message: A Guide for Big Book Sponsorship
The sequel to one of the most-demanded recovery books
of the last ten years, a handbook for AA sponsors and other mentors.
As an internationally respected teacher and lecturer on the Twelve
Step method introduced by Alcoholics Anonymous, Joe McQ knows that
sponsorship is a key construct for the success of the program
because it involves moving a person through the Twelve Step process
to recovery. In the early days of AA sponsors would come to the
alcoholic’s home and talk him through Steps 1 and 2, and when they
were thoroughly convinced he was ready, they would start him on the
program. However, with the advent of treatment centers over the last
twenty-five to thirty years, Steps 1 and 2—the Steps which place the
alcoholic in a “box” and force him or her to begin the program—have
been supervised by those other than AA sponsors. |