Books on Alcoholism |
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book (Hardcover)

It's more than a book. It's a way of life. Alcoholics
Anonymous-the Big Book-has served as a lifeline to millions worldwide.
First published in 1939, Alcoholics Anonymous sets forth cornerstone
concepts of recovery from alcoholism and tells the stories of men
and women who have overcome the disease. With publication of the
second edition in 1955, the third edition in 1976, and now the fourth
edition in 2001, the essential recovery text has remained unchanged
while personal stories have been added to reflect the growing and
diverse fellowship. The long-awaited fourth edition features 24
new personal stories of recovery.
First Year Sobriety

When All That Changes Is Everything
Paperback, 136 pages
Author: Guy Kettelhack Item: 1651
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published
Year: 1998
The first in a series of three recovery
guides for the first three years of sobriety, First-Year Sobriety
uses the voices of many women and men who are struggling in the
often baffling territory of their first year of sobriety to show
that despite their differing experiences, all are united in the
process of giving life without alcohol or other drugs a chance.
These are people who are alternately amazed, appalled, delighted,
depressed, illuminated, disturbed, or simply thrown by their first
days, weeks, and months of sobriety. Kettelhack explores the challenges
all seem to face: learning to break through loneliness, isolation,
and fear; finding ways to deal with anger, depression, and resentment;
and learning how to deal with a new and sometimes overwhelming happiness.
Second Year Sobriety

Getting Comfortable Now That Everything Is
Paperback, 128 pages
Author: Guy Kettelhack Item: 1652
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published
Year: 1998
This second volume in Kettelhack's
series takes on the "terrible twos." Here people in recovery share
their experiences and insights in dealing with long-suppressed feelings
of anger, loss, guilt, love, and self-acceptance. Kettelhack shows
how "sticking with it"--persevering with the struggle to deal with
new feelings and refusing to give in to addictive impulses--ultimately
creates the sense of life as an ongoing adventure, one more vivid,
exciting and sustaining than had ever been thought possible.
Third Year Sobriety

Finding Out Who You Really Are
Paperback, 128 pages
Author: Guy Kettelhack Item: 1653
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published
Year: 1998
In the final book of this series,
Kettelhack offers moving and triumphant stories of individuals in
their third year of sobriety. In doing so, he brings alive the ongoing
process of building self-esteem and explores what this process means
at this point in recovery--"turning it over" to a Higher Power,
doing service, developing an increasingly positive attitude toward
health, relationships, and family, and creating a new definition
of success in sobriety. "We begin to discover," writes Kettelhack,
"the greatest adventure sobriety offers us: discovering who we are
and what we have the capacity to become."
Under the Influence

A Guide to the Myths and Realities of
AlcoholismSoftcover, 256 pages
Author: James R. Milam and Katherine Ketcham ISBN: 0553274872
Publisher: Random House
Published Year: 1984
Ten million Americans suffer from
alcoholism, yet most people still wrongly believe that alcoholism
is a psychological or moral problem, and believe that it can be
cured by psychotherapy or sheer will power. Based on groundbreaking
scientific research, Under the Influence examines the physical factors
that set alcoholics and non-alcoholics apart, and suggests a bold
stigma-free way of understanding and treating the alcoholic.
Beyond the Influence

Understanding and Defeating Alcoholism
Softcover, 370 pages
Author: Katherine Ketcham ISBN: 0553380141
Publisher: Random House, Inc.
Published Year: 2000
Science has offered undisputed proof
that alcoholism is a disease rather than a weakness of character,
yet millions of alcoholics continue to suffer due to inappropriate
treatment. Now the co-author of the modern classic Under the Influence
has teamed up with prominent alcoholic experts to provide new answers
to this national epidemic.
Based on the latest scientific research,
Beyond the Influence clearly explains the neurological nature of
the disease and reveals why some people drink addictively and others
do not. It also spells out what needs to be done to treat alcoholism
Love First

A New Approach to Intervention for Alcoholism
& Drug Addiction
Softcover, 275 pp. Author:
Jeff Jay Author: Debra Jay Item: 1203
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 2000
If alcoholics and addicts won't accept
help until they're ready, what gets them ready? This book provides
an answer in clear, concise terms. Dispelling two damaging myths
-- that an addict has to hit bottom and that intervention must be
confrontational -- the authors' proven approach puts love first
and shows families, step by step, what to do next.
The Disease of Alcoholism Video

1/2" VHS, 27 min Author: David L. Ohlms,
M.D. Item: 3234
Publisher: GWC Inc.
Dr. Ohlms clearly and cogently explains
why medicine considers alcoholism a disease. Contains startling
and convincing information on the genetic and physiological aspects
of alcohol addiction.
Young Sober and Free - Second Edition

Teen-to-Teen Stories of Hope and Recovery
Softcover, 150 pages
Author: Shelly Marshall Item: 2016
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published
Year: 2003
Real teens tell the real story about
getting sober and staying sober in this edgy, winning interpretation
of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Shelly Marshall
lets her teen contributors speak for themselves (and their words
are not sugarcoated), while expertly augmenting the personal stories
with discussions about time-honored Twelve Step recovery principles.
Young, Sober, and Free, first published in 1978, aided the
recovery of countless young addicts and alcoholics. This second
edition, featuring four new stories from teens, is sure to inspire
many more.
I'll Quit Tomorrow

A Practical Guide to Alcoholism Treatment
Softcover, 192 pages Author: Vernon
E. Johnson Item: 3559
Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers Inc. Published
Year: 1980
This best-selling recovery classic
has helped untold thousands of alcoholics onto the road of recovery.
Written by the founder of the Johnson Institute in Minneapolis,
one of the country's most successful training programs for treatment
providers. I'll Quit Tomorrow presents the concepts and methods
that have brought new hope to alcoholics and their families, friends,
and employers. Abstinence is not the only objective of Johnson's
breakthrough methods--his therapy aims at restoring the ego strength
of the victim to assure permanent recovery. Johnson outlines a dynamic
plan of intervention and treatment that will block the progress
of alcoholism and lead to a richer, more productive life.
A Place Called Self

Women, Sobriety & Radical Transformation
Softcover, 202 pp. Author: Stepanie
Brown, Ph. D. Item: 2145
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published
Year: 2004
For many women, newfound sobriety--with
its hard-won joys and accomplishments--is often a lonely and unsatisfying
experience. Here, pioneering therapist Stephanie Brown, Ph.D., helps
readers understand that leaving behind the numbing comfort of alcohol
or other drugs means you must face yourself, perhaps for the first
time. With personal stories and gentle guidance, Brown helps readers
unravel painful truths and confusing feelings in the process of
creating a new, true sense of self.
Thirst: God and the Alcoholic Experience
Here speaking as a "public alcoholic," a recovering
person willing to speak about chemical addiction, prolific and much
respected ethicist Jim Nelson offers his personal and theological
reflection on alcohol addiction and recovery. Drawing on the foundational
ideas of liberation theology and weaving together scripture and
Christian tradition with contemporary medical and sociological insights,
Nelson demonstrates the healing significance of story telling for
the recovering alcoholic and explores all addictions’ roots in the
spiritual thirst for God.
Sober for Good: New Solutions for
Drinking Problems -- Advice from Those Who Have Succeeded
Anne M. Fletcher resolved her own drinking problem
without Alcoholics Anonymous and was fascinated by other people
who had found alternative methods to stop drinking. In the spirit
of her first book, Thin for Life, for which she interviewed "masters"
who had lost weight and kept it off, she decided to find people
who formerly had drinking problems and learn how they got and stayed
sober. She interviewed a range of ex-drinkers, from high-functioning
people with mild or moderate alcohol problems to hardcore cases
who had hit bottom. The amount of alcohol consumed ranged from three
daily drinks to two daily quarts of vodka. Almost all these 222
"masters" had stayed sober for 5 years or more, averaging 13 years
of sobriety.
Sober for Good presents their stories: when they started drinking,
how much they drank, how it affected their lives, why they decided
to stop, what they tried, what finally worked for them, and their
perspective now. The stories are compelling on their own, and Fletcher
organizes them according to common themes and strategies. She also
includes helpful information about different programs available
and relevant research studies.
Done Drinking - Getting Straight,
Staying Sober Video

VHS, 13 min, cc Item: 2191
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published
Year: 2003
Something powerful happens when kids
speak from the heart. And when the topic of discussion is alcoholism-their
alcoholism-the unscripted words of teens who’ve been there tell
the real story of this chronic and progressive disease. In this
compelling and hopeful video from Hazelden, teen alcoholics in recovery
talk about why they started drinking, how alcohol took over their
lives, what they did to get sober, and who they’ve become in recovery.
The result is an honest look at what it means, and what it takes,
for a teen to be “done drinking.”
Addiction & Recovery for Dummies
The title of this series always turns me off--so
formulaic and usually simplistic. But this book is different! The
format is simple and the material is presented in the clear, crisp
and easily readable style typical of this series but this book is
also truly wise, practical and compassionate in its approach. There
is up-to-date information on medications, the physiology of addiction,
treatments and groups that can offer support to the addicted person
and plenty of practical advice for those on the sidelines (family,
friends, spouses) who want to help but don't understand the problem.
The book makes practical suggestions for treatments/groups that
can help, how to deal with relapse cravings and moving forward in
life without relying on an ultimately self-destructive habit. I
have 30 years of experience as a therapist and this is one of the
few self-help books that I respect. I plan to give it to my clients
and to recommend it to colleagues.
Stepping Stones To Recovery For Women

Experience The Miracle Of 12 Step Recovery
4" x 6", Trade paper, 240 pages
Item: 6432
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published
Year: 1989
Articles, stories, slogans, and prayers
written specifically for women highlight key Twelve Step recovery
topics. Includes a daily reading guide.
Staying Sober

Softcover, 228 pages Author: Terence
T. Gorski Author: Merlene Miller Publisher: Herald House/Independence
Press Published Year: 1987
The authors discuss addictive disease
and its physical, psychological, and social effects. They also identify
sobriety-based symptoms, outline management techniques to lower
the risk of withdrawal, and explore our mistaken beliefs about relapse
to help us change our attitudes and behaviors.
Destination Joy

Moving Beyond Fear. Loss, and Trauma in Recovery.
Softcover, 176 pp. Author: Earnie Larsen
Item: 2008
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services
Published Year: 2003
With Destination Joy, best-loved
author Earnie Larsen provides friendly and expert roadside assistance
to weary travelers on recovery's path. Whether you've hit an obstacle
in your recovery from addiction, you're experiencing periodic relapse,
or you're simply longing for something more, here is a true and
certain guide to living more abundantly in recovery. In sharing
many different stories of recovering people and the various paths
they have taken, Larsen explores ways you can bring greater love,
acceptance, and belonging into your life.
Alcoholism Brochures
Alcoholism a Merry-Go-Round Named
Pamphlet, 20 pages
Author: Joseph L. Kellermann Item: 1140
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published
Year: 1970
Revised and expanded for today's
recovering person, family, and concerned others, this classic piece
defines the roles of the alcoholic and those who are close to the
alcoholic. This new version includes easier-to-understand, more
accessible language and expanded descriptions of The Enabler, The
Victim, and The Provoker roles. A Merry-go-round Named Denial
now also includes a section on the disease in adolescents and seniors
- increasing its value to everyone touched by substance abuse.
Alcoholism: A Treatable Disease
Booklet, 18 pages
Item: 7540
Publisher: Hazelden / Johnson Institute Published Year: 1987
Alcoholism and harmful dependence
upon other mind-altering chemicals are treatable diseases. This
pamphlet is designed to inform you of the nature of this disease.
Crossing The Thin Line
Between Social Drinking and Alcoholism
Pamphlet, 20 pages Author: Terence
Williams, M.A. Item: 1213
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published
Year: 1979
How is it that some people become
alcoholics, while many who drink do not? This pamphlet encourages
people to look at their own drinking habits to decide if they are
crossing the very thin line between social drinking and alcoholism.
An excellent resource for anyone who has wondered about his or her
own drinking habits.
I Can't Be An Alcoholic Because...

Pamphlet, 9 pages Author: David
C. Hancock Item: 1340
Publisher: Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services Published
Year: 1970
The common fallacies and misconceptions
about alcoholism are clearly described in this pamphlet, which also
provides facts and figures about alcohol, its use, and its abuse.
You Don't Have to Hit Bottom

Facing Your Drinking Problem Before It
Destroys Your LifeBooklet,
25 pages Author: Jerry P. Item:
Publisher: Hazelden / Johnson Institute Published Year: 1997
Hitting bottom varies from individual
to individual: A self-proclaimed social drinker becomes terrified
when a routine medical exam reveals serious signs of liver damage.
A successful advertising executive who staggers back to the office
after regularly downing two or three martinis over lunch with clients
is shocked by an ultimatum from the president of her agency: get
help or find another job. A devoted husband and father is served
divorce papers by his wife of twenty years after repeated attempts
to get him to stop drinking. The last straw: an episode of physical
violence caused by intoxication. A second or third DWI resulting
in the loss of a license, a severe car crash, loss of a job, a spouse,
a family, financial bankruptcy, emotional isolation, spiritual despair—the
personal details may differ, but the bottom line is the same: A
loss of great enough magnitude to sober us into facing reality and
beginning the journey toward recovery, from the beginning of You
Don’t Have to Hit Bottom.