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Love Prayer Print

Feelings Poster

The Language of Letting Go Journal

AA Key Chain

It's Prayer Time: Prayer & Spiritual
Warfare from the African-American Perspective

Recovery Audios, CDs
and Tapes
Listen to Live Audio on the Net
A collection of downloadable recordings from
speaker meetings, conventions and workshops of 12-step
fellowships, such as Alcoholics
Al-Anon Family Groups
and Narcotics Anonymous.
Format is
MP3. |
Anonymous Speaker Tapes
Here's what this page is about: I've looked
all over the internet & found a great many resources for
recovering addicts: re-printed literature, discussion
groups, e-mail groups, meeting lists, convention
information, but nothing a little more personal. I encoded
recovery speaker tapes into a format that can be played
using the FREE versions of RealPlayer.
Format is RealAudio. |
The NA
The Narchive was created by a
member in the late 1990's to display NA history related
articles, early literature, and other documents that helped
in the development of the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous.
This member passed away in April of 1999 with 28 years clean
in Narcotics Anonymous, and a group of his close friends
came together to carry on his work. What is displayed on
this site has all come directly from the papers, writings,
and archives that this member kept for years. What is most
important is that our history is who we are as a fellowship,
and what have evolved to be. All that has happened in the
development of Narcotics Anonymous has brought us to where
we are right now. What the Narchive hopes to accomplish is
to present some of those things that have carried us to this
point. Format
is RealAudio. |
Carry The Message of Recovery
Hear recovery streaming
audio, Literature and History of Narcotics Anonymous, NA
history, View photos from the World, Convention of Narcotics
Anonymous, East Coast Convention, Recovery First Group,
Links to more speaker sites. Format is
Windows Media Player. |
Buy Speaker Tapes and CDs
Gopher State Tape Library
Gopher State Tape Library is
a non-profit corporation dedicated to providing recording
and audio reproduction services to 12th Step fellowships to
assist them in carrying their message. |
Hy-Voltage Audio
Browse our online catalog of
thousands of 12 Step Recovery tapes and CDs from
conventions, retreats, speaker jams and recovery
celebrations. |
Coast to Coast Audio
We Specialize in
recording and on-site duplication of cassettes and Compact
Disks at conferences across the country. Cassettes and
Compact Disks made from the many
Commercial Conferences
we record are available for sale here. We also have over
Recovery and Support Cassettes And
Compact Disks recorded
from conventions nationwide and beyond. Our
Recording Services
cover all aspects of recording, duplication, labeling and
sales. |
A word about the advertising:
In an effort to be self-supporting, the
Minnesota Recovery Page includes a limited amount of advertising. The MRP
makes a small amount of money when you click on the links below and/or purchase
an item after clicking through a link.

Serenity Prayer with Three Doves Print

Coping with Personal and Social High-Risk Factors Pamphlet

Twenty-Four Hours Medallion Money Clip
Stage II Recovery

Twenty-Four Hours a Day Desktop Mug
Living Sober
Footprints Pocket Medallion
Click to see many
more medallions

Serenity Prayer Clock