my parents were not available to me, I can be.
my parents could not admit that I had needs, I
my parents were in denial, I do not have to be.
my parents could not meet my needs, I am
learning to.
my parents could not say "I love you" when they
were sober, I can admit my loss without being
my parents used alcohol to hide their feelings,
I can admit that I have feelings, and I can let
my feelings in.
my parents did not treat me as a real person, I
am learning to recognize and admit my own worth.
my parents used alcohol to avoid change, I can
be open to possibilities without panic.
I was raised in a home of denial, I do not live
there anymore.
I have needs,
desires, and worth. I will shut off that phony
smile or that phony anger that has been used for
so long to keep others away. I will open my eyes
and my ears to hear the world say "Hello!" I am
learning that I can sit quietly and listen and
be afraid without losing my serenity. I am
learning to say "I love You." |