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an Eating Disorder :
Strategies for Families and Friends

The Eating Disorder Sourcebook : A... Comprehensive Guide to the
Causes, Treatments, and Prevention of Eating Disorders

of an Eating Disorder : A Mother and Daughter Share Their Healing Journey

Understanding Weight and Depression : A A Teen Eating
Disorder Prevention Book

Kim: Empty Inside: The Diary of an Anonymous Teenager

Wasted : A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

Good Enough...When Losing is Winning, and Thin Enough Can Never be Achieved
Eating Disorder Links
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through O
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Page 3 P-Z
Fed-Up: Fight
Eating Disorders by Understanding the Problems
This page is dedicated to those who deal with issues
of size, body shape and self-worth. If you feel as though the span
of your hips and the size of your clothes outweigh the content of
your thoughts and the value of your character, I offer you this
homepage as a token of friendship and personal understanding. If
you're tired of being told that happiness, sexiness and usefulness
expire after size 14, then don't just get mad . . . Get Fed-up! |
FINDINGbalance is the first national organization
dedicated to creating consumer awareness and understanding of
non-extreme eating disorders, referred to clinically as EDNOS
(Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified) or "Sub-Clinical" eating
disorders. While we
offer information and resources on all types of eating disorders,
our primary interest is in shedding light on the staggering number
of people who struggle with non-extreme types of disordered eating,
such as chronic dieting, exercise obsessions and compulsive over
eating. |
Addicts Anonymous
Addicts Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who are willing
to recover from the disease of food addiction. Sharing our
experience, strength, and hope with others allows us to recover from
this disease, ONE DAY AT A TIME.The
FAA program is based on the belief that food addiction is a
bio-chemical disease. By following a food plan devoid of all
addictive substances, we can recover. These substances include
sugar, flour, and wheat in all their forms. They also include fats
and any other high-carbohydrate, refined, processed foods that cause
us problems individually.
primary purpose is to stay abstinent and to help other food addicts
achieve abstinence. We invite you to join us on the road to recovery
and suggest you attend six meetings before you decide you don't need
our help. You need to know that withdrawal is a necessary part of
recovery. We can get better if we continue to follow our food plan,
work the tools of the program, and ask for help! |
The incidence of binge/compulsive eating is prevalent in our
culture. The physical consequences may include high blood pressure,
elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, stress on the pancreas
(secondary diabetes), dental and digestive problems. The
psychological features include depression, anxiety and anger; fear;
low self-esteem; hypersensitivity to criticism and approval;
powerlessness; numbness; social preoccupation with food, weight, and
appearance; social withdrawal and isolation. Secrecy is the result
of the shame and guilt experienced. The Binge/Compulsive Eating
Individual Program reduces the shame, guilt and isolation, enhancing
recovery. |
Publishes materials related to eating disorders. Free Eating Disorders Resource Catalogue. Also. . . Self-Help Books, Music, and Videos, Information about Eating Disorders, Treatment Facilities, and Helpful Organizations |
Harvard Eating Disorders Center
The Harvard Eating Disorders Center (HEDC) is a
dynamic, interdisciplinary community of scholars dedicated to
cutting-edge research, education, and public discourse in the field
of eating disorders. A leading academic research center for eating
disorders, HEDC was established - under the leadership of David B.
Herzog, M.D., and as an affiliate of Harvard Medical School - to
expand knowledge about eating disorders, their detection, treatment,
and prevention and to share that knowledge with the community at
large. |
Healthy Within is a unique outpatient
program for eating disorders. Our program provides treatment for
adolescent males, adolescent females, adult males and adult females
suffering from eating disorders. The treatment team consists of the
following professionals: psychologists, nutritionist, registered
marriage and family therapist intern, yoga instructor and expressive
arts therapist. Our team assures that treatment is comprehensive and
thorough. Individualized treatment plans, combined with small group
therapy, provide a supportive environment where people can practice
new behaviors and learn new ways to relate to themselves and others. |
To End Eating Disorders
N.Y. based recovery program. Site offers information & chat. The
HEED Foundation was formed in 1996 by Dr.
Ira M. Sacker. It provides specialized services to those
battling eating disorders. There are over 12 million people in the
United States alone ranging in age, race, gender, creed and religion
who suffer from Eating Disorders . |
HUGS is an initiative built on a framework of diet free lifestyles.
It is Health focused, centered on Understanding
lifestyle behaviours, Group supported, and Self esteem
building. HUGS offers programs and workshops for adults and teens
based on the publication of three lifestyle books (You Count,
Calories Don't; Staying Off the Diet Roller Coaster; Tailoring Your
The adult program focuses on health, nourishing eating and activity
patterns, and self-acceptance rather than dieting and weight loss.
The teen program is designed to instill confidence for personal
decisions on health, energy and emotional needs. A taste training
workshop explores taste, creating an awareness of the interplay of
food taste, texture, appearance and how our body responds. A midlife
workshop helps women embrace guilt free self-caring and to consider
menopause as a life empowerment opportunity. |

InnerSolutions is a counseling service dedicated to helping people heal from food, weight and body issues.
At InnerSolutions, we base our philosophy on our personal
experiences of overcoming weight problems and the knowledge that
diets do not work. Diets promote deprivation and as a result they
provoke eating binges. Diets are built on the assumption that people
cannot trust their own bodies to tell them what to eat and therefore
need to have someone else prescribe, and sometimes provide, their
food for them. |
Size Acceptance Association
The MISSION of the International Size
Acceptance Association (ISAA) is to promote SIZE ACCEPTANCE and
fight SIZE DISCRIMINATION throughout the world by means of advocacy
and visible, lawful actions.ISAA's primary purpose is to end the most common
form of size discrimination and bigotry--that against fat children
and adults; ISAA will strive to defend the human rights of members
affected by other forms of size discrimination as well. ISAA defines SIZE DISCRIMINATION as any action
which places people at a disadvantage simply because of their size.
ISAA defines SIZE ACCEPTANCE as acceptance of self and others
without regard to weight or body size.
Site offers a message board, pen pals for teens & current news.
Food Anonymous
Fellowship of individuals who share experience, strength & hope
with each other that they may solve their common problem & help
others recover from the effects of addiction or dependency on
synthetic or refined foods. |
Your Weight
Articles on topics such as weight cycling, binge eating &
prevention tips for parents. |
Information & resources for getting help & a Survivors Wall. |
Association of Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders
ANAD serves the nation, and
increasingly the world, as an Association concerned with and providing
programs for the entire eating disorders field. Twenty-three years
after its inception on March 4, 1976, ANAD leads the fight in the
battle against deadly disorders with a multi-faceted program. |
Eating Disorder Information Centre (Canada)
The National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) is a
Toronto-based, non-profit organization, established in 1985 to provide
information and resources on eating disorders and weight
preoccupation. NEDIC began as a result of the concerted efforts of a
group of health-care providers. Based on a national needs-assessment
undertaken in 1983 by the Health League of Canada, a proposal was made
for initial funding of an information centre which would focus on
eating disorders and socio-cultural factors influencing the
health-related behaviour of women.NEDIC has a
non-dieting, client-centered, feminist philosophy. In essence, this
means that NEDIC workers will not refer clients to diet centers or
services which advocate restrictive eating patterns as a solution to
food and weight preoccupation or other problems. The philosophy held
by NEDIC is that dieting is intrinsically harmful to the individual in
that, in addition to potential physiological harm, it perpetuates the
illusory cultural notion that imposing control over one's body-size
will create control and efficacy in one's life.NEDIC promotes healthy
lifestyles, which includes both healthy eating and appropriate,
enjoyable exercise. Being client-centered dictates that staff strive
to provide all available information and guidance regarding available
services, treatment modalities, and alternatives in a manner which
empowers the client to make informed choices. The feminist philosophy
of NEDIC includes the unequivocal belief in the equal value of all
human beings and their right to equivalent civil rights. This position
underpins the methodical attempts that NEDIC makes to illuminate the
socio-cultural aspects of eating problems. An additional aspect of
this is to raise awareness of fat-prejudice and the myths and
stereotypes which perpetuate irrational and damaging responses for all
persons, thin or fat. It also informs the work that NEDIC staff do to
locate women's and men's food and weight issues within the contexts of
their lives rather than as individual pathologies. |
Eating Disorder Organization
The National Eating Disorders Association came
into being in 2001, when Eating Disorders Awareness & Prevention (EDAP)
joined forces with the American Anorexia Bulimia Association (AABA) to
create the largest eating disorders prevention and advocacy
organization in the world. The merger was the most recent in a series
of alliances that has also included the National Eating Disorder
Organization (NEDO) and Anorexia Nervosa & Related Disorders (ANRED).
Each organization has contributed years of valuable experience, unique
programming, and the commitment of the field’s most renowned
clinicians, educators and researchers to create a unified force in the
fight against eating disorders. |
Eating Disorder Screening Program
Free & anonymous program offering the opportunity to get
information, take a written self test, meet with a health
professional & get a referral for further evaluation.
The National Eating Disorders Screening Program
materials focus on the three main types of eating disorders – anorexia
nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. The goal of the
program is to both raise the level of awareness about eating disorders
and to encourage people who may be suffering from eating disorders to
seek further help and treatment. Participating sites are encouraged to
network with community groups and other internal departments, thereby
creating liaisons which can continue to be utilized throughout the
year. In this way, NEDSP serves as a catalyst for ongoing outreach
about eating disorders and other illnesses. |
New Realities Eating Disorders Recovery Centre is a centre for
recovery from eating disorders including binge eating, compulsive
overeating, bulimia and anorexia. At the centre we are interested in
helping those with eating disorders and their families and friends
through the information at this site as well as through the services
we offer at the centre. We hope you will stay awhile and browse
through our site for information about eating disorders and recovery
and about our centre. |
Not MY Kid
Not MY Kid, Inc. is dedicated to raising awareness
about the most prevalent youth and adolescent mental and behavioral
health issues. |
Dying to be Thin
Online video documentary from the PBS series NOVA
looking at body image and eating disorders. |
& Weight Control
Information on obesity, eating disorders & associated medical
conditions. |
Women’s Campaign to End Body Hatred & Dieting offers a
newsletter, personal stories, e-mail discussion group &
therapist list. The Women's
Campaign to End Body Hatred and Dieting grew out of the concepts
contained in two books on the subject of curing compulsive eating
and achieving self acceptance no matter what your size. These two
books are "Overcoming Overeating" and "When Women
Stop Hating Their Bodies" - both by Jane Hirschmann and Carol
Munter. These ideas are also presented in an earlier book directed
at childhood eating problems called "Preventing Childhood
Eating Problems" by Jane Hirschmann and Lela Zaphiropoulos. |
Fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength
& hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. |

The Minnesota Recovery Page is a directory
of resources for recovery from chemical addiction in Minnesota. The Minnesota
Recovery Page is NOT an organization, nor is the Minnesota Recovery Page
endorsed by or affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, or any other
In an effort to be self-supporting, the Minnesota Recovery Page includes
a limited amount of advertising. The MRP makes a small amount of money when
you click on the links below and purchase an item.
© 1996-2009 Minnesota Recovery
Page - All Rights Reserved
A word about the advertising:
In an effort to be self-supporting, the
Minnesota Recovery Page includes a limited amount of advertising.
The MRP makes a small amount of money when you click on the links below
and/or purchase an item after clicking through a link.
Compulsive Overeater
Hard Cover

Compulsive Overeaters Medallions
Click to see many
more medallions
Food for Thought
Daily Meditations For Overeaters
Why Can't I Stop Eating?

Recognizing, Understanding, and Overcoming Food Addiction
Serenity Prayer Mug
Fat Is a Family Affair - Second Edition

How Food Obsessions
Affect Relationships
Butterfly Keep It Simple Medallion
Click to see many
more medallions

Breaking Free from Anorexia and Bulimia

Art Print
Buy at
Twelve Steps For Overeaters Anonymous
Footprints Pocket Medallion

Click to see many
more medallions
The Twelve-Step Workbook of Overeaters Anonymous

Compulsive Overeaters Medallions
Click to see many
more medallions

Inner Hunger: A Young Woman's Struggle Through
Anorexia and Bulimia

Keep It Simple White T-Shirt
Overeaters Journal
Deliverance to a Fresh Spirit: 12-Step Guide for Ending Toxic Relationships and Overcoming Their Effects

Bulimia/Anorexia: The Binge-Purge Cycleand Self-Starvation

Overeaters Anonymous
Members of Overeaters Anonymous Share Their Experience, Strength, and Hope