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Keep It Simple

Walk in Dry Places

Phrases, Acronym's and Cliché's of A.A.
Easy does it
Live and let live
First things first
One day at a time
Keep it simple
Don't drink even if your ass falls off.
Don't drink, don't think and go to meetings.
Call your sponsor before you pick up the first drink.
A. A. is the last stop on the train.
One is too many, a thousand is not enough.
To be of maximum service to others.
We'll love you, until you learn to love yourself.
90 meetings in 90 days.
Try to be grateful and resentful at the same time, you can't serve two masters.
Write a gratitude list and count your blessings.
You can always tell an alcoholic, but you can't tell him much.
Faith chases away fear.
Take other people's inventory until you can take your own.
Pain before sobriety and pain before serenity.
Unity, recovery, and service.
A drug is a drug.
If you want to hide something from an alcoholic, hide it in the Big Book.
You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk.
Live life on life's terms.
Keep coming back, it works if you work it.
She came thru the back door of A.A. (Al-Anon).
When we were drunk we didn't have relationships, we took prisoners and held
When we couldn't dominate, control, or manipulate, we would ask for terms and
We have to give it away to keep it.
Surrender to become Victorious.
The bottle, big house, or the box.
Death, insanity, or recovery.
Today "we" have a choice.
We don't get run over by the train, we get hit by the engine (1st. drink).
If ya wonders [if your an alcoholic], then ya is.
"Instant a--hole", just add alcohol.
I didn't get into trouble every time I drank, but every time
I got in trouble I was drunk.
If we knew which drink was going to cause "wet brain", we would stop just
before it.
I came, I came to, I came to believe.
Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over, and over again, expecting
different results.
We are without defense against the first drink, our defense must come from a power
greater than ourselves.
What would the master do?
A newcomer is someone with less than five years sobriety.
The easier softer way is one thru twelve.
Don't work my program, or your program, work "the program".
If you want what we have and your willing to go to any lengths to get it.
Ask us how we did it, then do what we did.
Qualifications for me to help you, one- you have to need it, two- you
have to want it, three- you have to ask for it, four- you have to ask me.
Two things you have to do to become an old-timer, don't drink and don't die.
I can't, he can, so I think I'll let him.
Let go and let God.
The alcoholic's mind is like a bad neighborhood, don't go there alone.
Poor me, poor me, pour me another drink.
If you sit on the pity pot too long, you'll form rings around your a--.
If you want to stay sober, make the coffee.
If you can't remember your last drink, maybe you haven't had it.
Gratitude, that's the attitude.
Faith without works is dead.
Get to the meeting early and go to the meeting after the meeting.
I've been sober and I've been drunk. Sober's better so I think I'll stay
The definition of an alcoholic; an egomaniac with an inferiority complex.
Cunning, baffling, powerful, and patient.
When the pain of staying sober becomes less than the pain of getting drunk, you'll
stay sober.
My worst day sober is better than my best day drunk.
Keep your hands in your pants and give the newcomer a chance.
The first year is a gift.
Underneath every skirt is a slip.
Half measures availed us nothing.
None of us came here on a winning streak.
The farther I get from my last drink, the closer I get to my next drunk.
This to shall pass.
Where do I find sobriety? Twelve steps past any lengths.
How does it work? It works just fine.
If you hang around the barber shop long enough, you'll get a haircut.
Don't hang around wet places and wet faces.
Once an alcoholic always an alcoholic.
I might have another drunk left in me, but do I have another recovery?
The elevator to sobriety is broken, take the steps.
F.E.A.R - Face everything and recover
S.O.B.E.R. - Son of a bitch everything is real
H.A.L.T. - Hungry, angry, lonely, tired
H.O.W. - Honesty, open mindedness, willingness
F.U.B.A.R. - Fixed up beyond all recognition
G.O.D. - Good orderly direction
S.L.I.P. - Sobriety lost it's priority
F.I.N.E. - F--kedup, insecure, neurotic, and emotional
F.E.A.R. - Face Everything and Recover |

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of resources for recovery from chemical addiction in Minnesota. The Minnesota
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A Program For You - A Guide To the Big Book's
Design for Living

Huge Selection of AA Medallions

Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 4th Edition Hardcover

The Language of Letting Go

Bill W and Dr Bob DVD
The Original Off-Broadway Production
Stepping Stones To Recovery For Men
Footprints Pocket Medallion
Click to see many
more medallions

As Bill Sees It Hardcover

The AA Way of Life

Each Day a New Beginning - Daily Meditations
for Women
